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مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

What are the causes of anemia?

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Two substances, iron and vitamin B12, are very important to keep the level of hemoglobin in the blood high. When these two substances are low in the body, the level of hemoglobin in the blood naturally decreases and anemia occurs. pistachio shell Now we have to see together what things have an effect on lowering the level of iron and vitamin B12 in the body.
Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of anemia.
Taking a lot of drugs is another reason for the occurrence of blood diseases in people.
Gastrointestinal diseases and internal bleeding
Age over 60 years
Another common cause of anemia is blood loss. For example, menstruation or other things that involve bleeding can cause anemia in people.
The red blood cells that come from nuts caused them to increase
We told you about anemia, its causes and symptoms. Honestly, anemia is one of the events that when it happens to the body, it can be treated easily and only with a series of diet plans under the supervision of a doctor. But how good it would be if we prevent our body from falling in hemoglobin and anemia by proper nutrition.
In general, we must say that nuts for anemia are diverse. Include these nutrients in your diet to increase your body's health. If you want to treat anemia, it is best to buy mixed nuts, because it removes all the blood-forming marrows. If you are interested, you can read the article How to store nuts? Read to know how to store nuts.
The best nuts for anemia
Anemia occurs when the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. This condition is mainly caused by blood loss, destruction of red blood cells, or the body's inability to make enough red blood cells. There are different types of anemia, the most common of which is iron deficiency anemia. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which is full of iron. Without enough iron, the body cannot produce the hemoglobin needed to produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.
Folate and vitamin B12 deficiency may also affect the body's ability to make red blood cells. If the human body cannot process vitamin B12 properly, a person may develop dangerous anemia. A strong hematopoietic diet, rich in iron and B vitamins and vitamin C, can be effective in treating anemia or, most importantly, preventing anemia. In this way, one of the options to supply iron needed by the body is to consume the best types of nuts for anemia.
(At Haji Badomi store, you will have access to all kinds of chocolates.)
The best types of nuts to deal with anemia
Which nuts are useful for anemia?
Many nuts and seeds are good sources of iron. These nuts and seeds can be wonderful alone or with yogurt, salad or even sweets. Blood-forming nuts include pumpkin seeds, cashews, pistachios, hemp, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, etc., and almonds are also a good source of iron. Raw and roasted nuts have similar amounts of iron and can be part of a healthy diet, but since they are also high in calcium, they may not increase blood iron levels as much. In any case, we decide to continue introducing the types of nuts for anemia, the benefits of peanuts for anemia, the properties of hazelnuts for anemia, and the properties of raw pistachios for anemia.
It can be said that by properly diagnosing and consuming nuts for anemia, you protect your health and that of your family. Remember that health is the most valuable thing that every person has. Thank you for being with us.

Properties of Brazil nuts

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Brazil nuts are considered the best type of food source due to the presence of selenium. If you consume two of these nuts a day, you will maintain the required level of selenium for your body. pistachio shell Below are some of the amazing properties of Brazil nuts:
Effective in body inflammation
These nuts are rich in anti-inflammatory substances.
Improves mood
It prevents depression and anxiety and improves mood.
Consumption of Brazil nuts reduces the risk of cancer.
Thyroid controller
Selenium in this type of nuts plays an effective role in thyroid control.
Contributor to heart health
Regular and healthy blood pressure has a direct impact on heart health, and the presence of unsaturated fat, antioxidants, soluble fibers and nutrients in Brazil nuts is effective for having healthy blood pressure.
Properties of nuts in pregnancy
Eating nuts during pregnancy has many benefits. Especially the four nuts of almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts, which are recommended for the health of pregnant women.
Walnut kernel and walnut skin
If nuts are used early in pregnancy, they are very useful in the motor and cognitive development of the fetus. Omega-3 fatty acids are very useful for the fetus, which is present in nuts.
The low level of omega-3 in the brain of the fetus leads to irreparable complications such as cognitive defects, behavioral disorders such as depression, anxiety and aggression.
Properties of reinforcing nuts
Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc. are among the strengthening nuts that have many properties. As one of the most delicious nuts, pistachios prevent heart attacks and other heart diseases. It has the ability to reduce any kind of stress and mental discomfort. Eating pistachios prevents the increase of bad cholesterol. As a result, adding it to the diet is the best possible thing.
Almonds, as another strengthening nut, contain magnesium, which plays a significant role in regulating and controlling blood pressure. Also, almonds reduce people's weight and you can think about losing weight by consuming them.
Consumption of walnuts improves blood circulation to a great extent and has the ability to prevent dementia.
Health properties of nuts
Health nuts form an excellent combination of nuts as well as delicious and tasty seeds, which have a very useful and positive role on health and make people have a healthy body by consuming them.
As one of the most useful and healthy snacks, healthy nuts balance the calories in your diet. The protein in this type of nuts is very high and you can easily replace it in your food.
Among the ingredients of health nuts, we can mention pumpkin seed kernel, hemp, sesame and soybean. As you know, nowadays, sesame is used to season various foods, which helps to treat many diseases such as diabetes, anemia, heart, digestive, etc.
Soy is considered one of the main foods in the world, which has high protein and has a lower oil percentage than other seeds. Many vegetarians substitute soy for meat.
In this article, we talked about the properties of nuts. We hope that knowing these things will make you do better in your choice. If you are interested in teaching others, you can share this article with them. Be healthy and persistent!

Are almonds useful for gastritis?

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Gastritis is one of the problems that some people's stomachs are affected by. There are different reasons for this problem. pistachio shell There are different ways to treat this problem. Here we are going to express the effect of almonds as one of the types of nuts for gastritis and also express how to use it.
Almonds for gastritis and its benefits
Almonds are one of the most nutritious and energizing nuts that help treat stomach problems such as stomach pain, bloating, stomach reflux, etc., this food is rich in many minerals, each of which has a unique role in treatment. Gastritis plays a role. Some of these materials include:
This food item is rich in fiber, thereby strengthening the digestive system and treating gastritis. It should be noted that the presence of this mineral helps in better digestion of food and increases the speed of food digestion.
This food is rich in probiotics. The mentioned substance increases the beneficial bacteria in the stomach, thereby strengthening the stomach and treating its problems.
There is a lot of calcium in the structure of almonds. This mineral is the most effective substance for the treatment of gastric reflux. As a result, by consuming almonds, you can supply the calcium needed by the body, and the result will be the improvement of gastritis.
A person who has stomach inflammation and its pain
Vitamin B
The presence of vitamin B in the structure of almonds helps to treat stomach problems such as swelling and ulcers. It is possible to treat all kinds of stomach ulcers with almonds.
Related article: "Is the use of almonds useful for a sore throat?"
How to use almonds for gastritis
You can use it daily to treat gastritis, you can also remove their brown skin and then grind them. Dissolve ground almonds in some boiling water and then eat.
As we said, almonds are rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin B, iron, etc. It helps to treat gastritis. You can use almond alone to treat gastritis. We hope this article will be useful for you.

How to prepare cashews

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Cashews are one of the most popular nuts and are native to South America. Today, these nuts are cultivated in Africa and India and are sold in various forms, such as raw, roasted, salted or without salt. pistachio shell Cashews have recently replaced dairy foods, and they are used to make ingredients such as cashew milk, cashew cheese, and cream sauces based on cashews or sour cream. In this article, we are going to explain how to prepare cashews.
How to prepare
These seeds are sold in stores in different flavors, but to get your desired taste, you can prepare cashews raw and add whatever flavor you like to it at home.
How to prepare roasted cashew nuts with pepper
To prepare roasted cashews, pour a little liquid oil into the frying pan and add the seeds to it and fry the seeds on a low heat of the gas flame until their color turns golden. If you want peppery roasted cashews, add salt. Add cumin powder, black and red pepper before the seeds cool completely and mix. The amount of each spice depends on your taste.
Excellent cashews
How to prepare roasted cashews using the oven
Mix honey and your favorite spices in a container and pour the cashew seeds into it, after the seeds are completely covered with honey, put them on a greased oven tray, bake the tray for twenty minutes. Place in the oven until the seeds are roasted.
Related article: What do you know about the properties of cashews?
How to prepare saffron cashews
Mix cashew seeds with saffron and salt and fry them in a pan with a little oil.
Cashew and its use in cooking
This popular nut has a mild, peanut-like flavor and an almost creamy texture. The amount of fat in this seed is lower than other nuts. Cashew is a single seed, used in cooking and cooking, this nut, which has a lot of vitamins, is mixed and consumed as a seasoning in sauce or milk. In this article, you will learn about several methods of using peanuts in cooking.
As a snack
These nuts are rich in protein and are a great snack. Roast peanuts with rosemary, brown sugar and salt and enjoy. You can roast cashew nuts with any salty, sweet or spicy seasoning you like and achieve the taste you want.
As a brain milk
Cashew milk is one of the creamiest nut milks. This milk is obtained at home by mixing cashews with water and a sweet syrup. Cashew milk can also be used to prepare herbal ice cream or coffee.
Lots of great cashew nuts
How to prepare cashew milk
Put the seeds in a bowl of cold water, cover the bowl with a cloth and put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. Then discard the water in the bowl and wash the seeds again with cold water. In a blender or food processor, combine the soaked cashews with 2 cups water, a pinch of salt, and a sweet syrup of your choice, such as maple syrup, until finely ground. Then pass the obtained mixture through a strainer. This brain milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-4 days.
Other uses in cooking
Make cashew chicken. It is a Chinese-American dish, made with roasted chicken and cashew nuts, usually accompanied by oyster sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, white pepper, and honey or sugar.
The benefits of knowing how to prepare cashew nuts
This seed is a versatile nut and here are just a limited number of cashew recipes and benefits. It is possible to prepare cashew butter from raw or roasted seed powder, butter or cream obtained from cashews can replace all types of dairy butter or cream. Preparing its flour, which does not contain gluten, is one of the other benefits of this popular nut. Also, in Iran, they use it together with dishes such as pilaf.
As mentioned, cashews are very easy to prepare. You can make it in different flavors. Also use it in cooking. We hope you enjoyed this article.

Apricot leaf properties

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Another type of dried fruit that is very popular among different people is apricot leaf. This delicious and popular dried fruit has a lot of vitamin D. pistachio shell Unfortunately, most people in our society are facing a decrease in this vitamin in their body. By using this dried fruit, they can reduce the deficiency of this vitamin to some extent. Vitamin D in apricot promotes bone and tooth growth.
Apricot is very useful for removing cramps and contractions of vascular channels and softens stiffness. To completely quench thirst, you can use soaked apricot leaves, which quenches thirst like water on fire. Also, this tasty dried fruit significantly helps digestion and ultimately prevents constipation.
Apricot kernel also has many properties, among which it can be mentioned that it is economical and purifying the blood.
Properties of dried fruits for children
Many children react to eating fruit and refuse to eat it. Dried fruit can be a good substitute for this, which is fortunately welcomed by children.
Of course, this point should be kept in mind that eating whole nuts and dried fruits starts after the age of 5, but before that, children can be fed with all kinds of brains.
Among the general properties of dried fruit consumption for children are the following:
Fatty brains help a child's physical and mental development due to their abundance of antioxidants and healthy fats.
Daily consumption of a handful of it will provide the necessary energy for the child during the day, in this case the child will not feel weak or weak in any way.
By filling the stomach space, it prevents overeating and eating harmful snacks and eventually overweight in the child.
Due to having healthy and useful fats, it reduces the possibility of heart diseases.
In this article, we talked about the properties of dried fruits. We hope that we have been able to express the value of dry fruits for you by presenting these materials. Be sure to try these wonderful foods for yourself.

How long does dried fruit last?

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How long does dried fruit last? There is no doubt that dried fruit has a longer shelf life than fresh fruit. In fact, since ancient times, people used to dry all kinds of food such as fruit to increase the shelf life of fruits, prevent them from being wasted and thrown away. pistachio shell Of course, drying food in ancient times was not only limited to fruits, meat and dairy products were also among the food items that were dried and used in other seasons or long trips.
How long does dried fruit last?
As with any other food item, it is important to know how long the shelf life of dried fruit is, or what are the methods of preserving dried fruit for a very long time. Of course, drying the fruits does not mean that they will last a lifetime, even after the fruits are dried, all conditions must be taken to prevent the fruits from rotting or rotting.
Archaeologists believe that drying food has been common since 4000 years ago. Dried fruit can be used as long as it keeps its freshness. Dried fruits become old and completely hard after one year of storage.
All kinds of dried fruits
Storage conditions for dried fruits
A lot of research is still being done to find the conditions that increase the shelf life of dried fruits. These researches examine the effects of oxygen penetration, carbon dioxide, the type of storage containers and the storage temperature. How to dry fruits is also effective in increasing their shelf life and quality.
Related article: "What are the properties of dried fruit?"
It is better to answer that if the minimum storage conditions for dried fruits such as temperature, light, humidity and impermeability of storage containers are observed, the shelf life of dried fruits will increase.
Dried fruits should be kept at lower temperatures, for longer storage of large volume dried fruits, the cold room is the best place. At home, the refrigerator is a good option for storing dried fruits.
Choose dark places to preserve the freshness of dried fruits, store them in containers or plastic, where there is little possibility of air penetration. There are some chemicals to increase the shelf life of dried fruits, but the harmlessness of those chemicals on the human body has not been proven.
In this article, we tried to answer the question of how long does dried fruit last? to answer We hope you are satisfied with this article. To inform others, please share it with your friends. Thank you for your support!

How to soak dried figs in water and milk

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Dried figs are usually prepared from the drying process of fresh and sweet figs. One of the reasons for drying figs is the long shelf life of this delicious fruit. pistachio shell Because by drying figs, it can be used for a very long time. In this article, we decide to learn how to soak dried figs; So if you are looking for a new way to use dried figs, don't miss this article.
The importance of dried figs in the diet
Among all available dried fruits, dried figs are very popular due to their various properties. Because the consumption of dried figs can supply most of the minerals in the human body. It is better to know that dried figs are rich in minerals and vitamins. Therefore, using this delicious dried fruit can bring health to your body.
It is necessary to know that consuming dried figs can improve the function of the digestive system, strengthen the heart, improve anemia, etc. For this reason, if you are looking to improve your body's performance, it is better not to forget to consume dried figs. The use of dried figs has been very common among Iranians since the past. Because at that time, due to the lack of proper tools to store food, people had to dry figs; In this way, they can keep this delicious fruit for a longer period of time.
How to soak dried figs
Today, many people use dried figs in various ways. For example, some people consume dried figs by soaking them in water or milk; In this way, in addition to softening the dried figs, their healing properties will somehow increase. In the following, you can learn about the steps of soaking dried figs in water and milk.
dried fig
Ingredients for soaking dried figs in water
1 glass of lukewarm water
6 dried figs (visit Rauf store to buy dried figs)
How to soak dried figs in water
Before dealing with the training of soaking dried figs in water, we must remember one thing; For this reason, you need to know that 1 glass of lukewarm water is enough for only 6 dried figs. If you want to increase the number of dried figs, you should increase the amount of lukewarm water. To soak dried figs in water, you must first cut all the dried figs in half; In this way, you can make sure that all the figs are healthy.
After making sure that the dried figs are healthy, you should wash them with cold water; By this process, all the dust on the dried figs can be cleaned well. After completely washing the dried figs, you should put them in a suitable glass or porcelain container. Next, you should add 1 glass of lukewarm water to the dried figs.
After adding water, you should put the container containing dried figs in the refrigerator; Also, the proper time for figs to soften is 1-2 days. After the mentioned period of time, the figs will be ready to use. To use softened figs, you can separate the water and use them separately. You can also mix water and dried figs with a mixer and consume the mixture.

How to dry coconut

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How to dry coconut? What are the benefits of dry coconut? First, let's get to know coconut a little; Coconut is a delicious and popular fruit that is used in medicine, pharmacy, cooking, cosmetic industry. pistachio shell Its most common uses include coconut water, coconut milk, coconut oil and even dry coconut.
Normally, a cup of dried fruit has double the calories compared to its fresh type, and this feature has made the purchase of dried fruit popular among us Iranians. Coconut is a plant that was first cultivated in South Asia and currently exists as a coconut tree in all tropical regions. If you are curious like me to know more about dry coconut, stay with dry store.
The coconut tree is a beautiful and sturdy tree that grows upright and has no branches. Its height sometimes reaches 30 meters. Coconut leaves are very beautiful and big and its flowers are orange-yellow. Pacific people use all parts of this tree and introduce it as a staple food.
Today, the coconut tree grows in warm areas. From the Hawaiian Islands to Madagascar. Although not native to the United States, coconuts have been introduced there and now grow along coastal areas in southern states such as Florida. In Iran, the best conditions for coconut cultivation are on the shores of the Oman Sea, and it seems that Chabahar has the largest cultivation area.
Dry nectar and a sea of ​​health
As you know, the fruit of this tree is spherical and covered with a hard brown skin. There are three holes at the bottom of the coconut called coconut eyes. The flesh of this fruit is white, fatty and filled with a relatively sweet juice. to use the liquid inside the coconut called sap; These holes should be opened with a sharp object and the liquid inside should be removed.
Dry coconut and its use
These days, the use of dried fruits has become more common. Dry coconut has countless health benefits; From diabetes and cancer treatment to
Anti-aging properties, fat burning and weight loss are all included in this dried fruit.
Dry coconut is rich in natural fiber, vitamins and minerals; which include vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Also, consumption of this dried fruit helps to regulate cholesterol and take care of skin and hair.
This dry fruit can be a suitable snack for growing children and teenagers.
This dry fruit is rich in natural sugar and prevents blood pressure; It can be a suitable substitute for all kinds of sugars in diabetics.
We can use dried coconut in the form of slices, powder and flour.
Coconut powder is used to decorate all kinds of cakes, sweets and dates.
We can also prepare delicious and dietary sweets using coconut flour.

How to start drying fruit

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How to start fruit drying? First, let's know a little more about dried fruit; Fruit drying has a long history in countries such as Iran, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey. pistachio shell The history of dry fruit production dates back to 1700 BC. At that time, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern people dried summer fruits and stored them for winter use.
Drying fruits is one of the ways to prevent their microbial spoilage. In this method, due to the decrease in humidity, the possibility of microbial spoilage is reduced and the speed of other harmful reactions is also significantly reduced. While drying has a protective effect on the product, it significantly reduces its weight and volume; As a result, it also reduces transportation and storage costs.
The excessive need of some countries for dried fruit "due to their special climatic conditions, the high cost of transporting vegetables and fresh fruits and their limited storage time" has provided a good opportunity for the development of the production and export of fruit chips.
The advancement of technology has made many people to start a small business with high income with the lowest possible cost. Among small businesses, there is an attractive idea called fruit drying; Fruit drying does not need to have a big shop or factory. Just get some fruit drying machines and place them in a corner of the house.
Fruit dryer and tips you should know before buying
The minimum budget required to start this work is about 20 million Tomans; Of course, the fluctuations of the market are also involved in this matter and the said price has been proposed as an approximation. The minimum required space is a 12-meter room and two manpower to work. You can do fruit drying in all parts of the country. You can boost your business by setting up a website and creating accounts on social networks, especially Instagram.
Advantages of fruit drying
The most important advantage of this job is that so-called dried fruits never remain on hand. As you know, their shelf life is more than one year and it is never possible to throw them away during this period. The next point is people's interest in using dried fruits. If you visit a pastry shop or a dried fruit shop, you will see that their main sellers are dried fruits such as apricots and cherries.
Online shopping for dried fruit
The fruit drying business does not need to pay heavy taxes and you can boost your small business by paying a small fee. Of course, it is necessary to obtain a purchase permit from the Ministry of Health, as well as a standard seal on the packaging of dried fruits. The job of drying fruit is one of the jobs that Mobilization of Construction allocates 10 million loans to. To receive this loan, you must first set up a small workshop and obtain the necessary permits.

Properties of walnuts for fatty liver

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Is consuming walnuts harmful for fatty liver?
In order to know whether consuming walnuts for fatty liver is beneficial or harmful and what are the harms of walnuts for fatty liver, we must first know what fatty liver is. In summary, it should be said. pistachio shell It is normal to have a small amount of fat in the liver, but if the amount of fat in the liver increases and excessive accumulation of fat vacuoles occurs in the liver, the liver becomes inflamed, which is called fatty liver.
You probably think that walnuts, as a fatty food, are harmful for fatty liver and its consumption will be a problem. If you think so, we must say that this is a misconception. Consumption of walnuts is not only harmful for fatty liver, but the properties of walnuts for the liver are very high.
Having many antioxidants and large amounts of useful fats and omega-3 along with polyphenols, walnut brain fights many inflammations in the body, including inflammation and fat accumulation in the liver.
The presence of polyphenols such as phenolic acids in walnuts, as well as vitamin E as a powerful antioxidant, do a good job of removing inflammation in the liver; So the harm of walnuts for fatty liver can be completely ignored.
Liver function and an overview of complex liver function summary:
Liver, as an important organ, has duties and functions and also has productions. Including:
albumin production; Albumin is a protein that prevents the leakage of fluids from the bloodstream into the tissues. In addition, it is involved in the movement of hormones, enzymes and vitamins in the body. production of bile; Bile is a substance that is involved in the absorption and digestion of fats in the small intestine. The liver produces bile and sends it to the gallbladder to digest fats there.
Blood purification; In the process of digesting and absorbing food, all the blood flowing in the digestive system passes through the liver to clean and detoxify the toxins and harmful substances in it.
regulation of blood clotting; The work of absorbing and breaking down fat-soluble vitamins is done using the bile produced in the liver, and then these vitamins are transferred to the liver. These vitamins are stored in the liver and are converted into usable form for the body when necessary. Most of the properties of walnuts for the liver are analyzed at this stage.
regulation of amino acids; The production of proteins in the body is done using amino acids, and the liver, as an extremely important and influential organ, balances and regulates the amount and level of amino acids in the blood.
fighting infections; As a strong and powerful protector, the liver destroys many microbes that cause infection in the body. Phagocytes, as immune cells in the liver, are responsible for removing and destroying infectious and problematic agents in the blood.
storehouse of vitamins and minerals of the body; The liver stores and maintains vitamins such as E, D, A, K and vitamin B12, as well as copper and iron in the body. blood sugar processor; The liver regulates and manages the process of removing excess sugar from the bloodstream and converting and storing it in the form of glycogen, as well as changing it back to sugar and re-entering the bloodstream when needed.
If you want, you can read the article on the properties of fruits.
Other foods useful for the liver:
If we want to list the foods that are good for the liver, we can mention six of the most effective ones:
Avocado: In a research, it was found that people who regularly use avocado have more useful fat in their blood and have a more balanced weight, and they have less abdominal obesity. High fiber, useful fat and water in avocado are among its benefits.
Coffee: Coffee is one of the foods that, if used in a balanced way without adding sugar, prevents the occurrence of diseases such as cirrhosis, fibrosis and liver cancer or slows down the disease process.
Fatty fish or fish oil supplement: consumption of fatty fish such as salmon can prevent liver inflammation and fat accumulation in it.
Olive oil: Like avocado, olive has a positive and good effect on the liver and reduces the amount of enzymes that cause liver disease.
Complex carbohydrates: This type of carbohydrate prevents the fluctuation of insulin in the blood due to slow digestion. Besides being rich in fiber, zinc and B vitamins, they can play a role in the health of the liver and its vital operations. Rye, corn, semolina and whole grains are sources of complex carbohydrates.
Walnuts: Among the types of nuts, walnuts are one of the most beneficial foods for the liver. The presence of various antioxidants and fatty acids, including omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids and polyphenol antioxidants, has made walnut one of the best foods for the liver; So the harm of walnuts for fatty liver is minimized.
Summary of the article on the properties and disadvantages of walnuts for fatty liver:
In this article, we talked about foods that affect the liver and fatty liver and discussed the role of this organ in the body. We talked about the positive effect of walnuts on fatty liver. Since the liver, along with other roles, is responsible for cleansing the body, it is not strange that it needs a strong substance to eliminate germs, infections and inflammations, and walnut fulfills this role well.
Therefore, if we use walnuts in a balanced amount, we can say that the harm of walnuts for fatty liver is almost zero, and by reducing inflammation in the liver and reducing insulin resistance in the body, walnuts act as a very strong antioxidant and an anti-oxidative stress agent in the body. The body works. All these things are not only the harms of walnuts, but also the benefits of walnuts for the liver.