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The reason for the popularity of American pistachios in China

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Why is American pistachio popular in China?
Despite a trade war between China and the pistachio shell United States, American pistachio exports to China have tripled in recent years. China is very price-oriented in pistachio imports. This means that the country pays more attention to the price when buying pistachios, and the cheaper and more suitable the Chinese buyers are, the more eager they are to buy it.
The price of American pistachios is cheaper than Iranian pistachios. This is what makes this pistachio more popular in China. One of the reasons the United States keeps its product prices low is because of its close competition with Iran. The United States is trying to stay competitive in this market.
Also, packing American pistachios and kernels in China is very cheap. After this operation, this product is re-exported from China to other countries.
Why is American pistachio cheaper?
Seedlings of this type of pistachio are considered modified seedlings. These seedlings are made through tissue culture, which consists of two wild pistachio species. It grows very high and after one or at most two years, it bears fruit and can be transplanted. Ordinary seedlings, on the other hand, need more than four years to reach this stage.
Pistachio seedlings grown in Iran are of ordinary type. Its quality is much better, but it lasts longer and this makes it more expensive.

One kilo of fresh pistachios gives a few kilos of dried pistachios

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Pistachio is one of the nutritious pistachio shell and very tasty nuts, which can be found in the market and nut shops all year round. Have you ever wondered how many kilos of dried pistachios a kilo of fresh pistachios yields?
What you read in this article:
How much dry pistachio does a kilo of fresh pistachios give?
How many kilos of fresh pistachios does a few kilos of fresh pistachios give?
Each pistachio tree yields several kilos of dried pistachios
How much kernel does a kilo of dried pistachios have?
Drying fresh pistachios is one way to preserve pistachios throughout the year.
Fresh pistachios have a lot of moisture, which causes spoilage and mold of this product; Therefore, it is better to dry fresh pistachios to eliminate this possible damage.
How much dry pistachio does a kilo of fresh pistachios give?
Here we talk about the properties and nutrients of raw and dried pistachios. Please join us.
Daily consumption of pistachios strengthens the stomach.
People with anemia should use pistachios in their daily diet.
Consumption of pistachios increases *******ual power.
Daily consumption of 10 pistachios prevents Alzheimer's.
Pistachio is useful for treating coughs caused by colds.
Eating pistachios is useful in treating simple and bloody diarrhea.
Daily consumption of pistachios is important for nerves and peace of heart.
There are three ways to dry pistachios.
Use sunlight
Drying in the shade
Use a home oven
In this article, we will explain all three methods to you dear ones.
In the first method, first remove the wet and damp pistachio skin and branches. If this skin stays on the pistachio for a long time and changes color, it creates a toxin called aflatoxin that you should avoid eating this pistachio.
To easily remove the skin of fresh pistachios, you should put them in a strong and thick plastic and close the plastic lid tightly so that air does not enter it.
Then place the plastic containing the pistachio on the ground and move it gently on the plastic with a rolling pin, so that the skin of the fresh pistachio is separated by pressure.
Pistachios from which the skin has not been removed are immature and inedible. Then pour the pistachios into a large bowl and rinse well with water.
At this stage, some pistachios may remain on the water, which are empty and you have to separate them.
Pour the pistachios into the strainer and let the excess water drain out completely. Place the clean pistachios on a cotton or wicker cloth and expose to direct sunlight for 4 to 5 days to dry.
During these few days, occasionally turn the pistachios upside down to prevent them from drying out too much.
Drying pistachios in direct sunlight makes the product open or, so to speak, smile.
In the second method, which was drying in the shade, do all the above steps, and finally put the pistachios on a wooden tray or basket and put them in the shade to dry.
It is better to know that drying pistachios in the shade does not make pistachios smile.
In the third method, pour a pitcher of cleaned pistachios into a pot and add a glass of water and three tablespoons of salt to it.
Place the pan over low heat until the water has completely evaporated. Stir the pistachios so that they do not stick to the pot.
Then set the oven temperature to 280 ° C and spread the pistachios on the oven tray, put the pistachios in the oven for 20 minutes.
During this period, check the pistachios every 5 minutes, so that their skin color does not become too golden.
Then turn off the oven and let the pistachios cool completely. After cooling, pour them into a container and store in the refrigerator or cool environment for a long time.

Pistachio seed planting training

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To plant pistachio seeds, you  pistachio shell must first soak the seeds in water overnight and change the water several times during this period. After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the water and be sure to disinfect them and put them on the cloth that absorbs the water. Hold it like a towel, and place it in a dark place that is also slightly warm, and keep the cloths wet constantly so that the seeds can grow well inside it and germinate, but be very careful that the amount of moisture in the cloth , Not so much as to cause water to accumulate.
This way the seed starts to bite and you can plant it in a pot.
Before sowing the seeds in the ground or in pots, try mixing a little fungicide with water and sprinkling it on the seed. The amount of fungicide should be used in the size written on the package.
It is best to start planting pistachios in pots in late winter and early spring.
To plant pistachios in a pot, you must first fill the pot with the desired soil, then make a hole the size of a fingernail in the soil with your finger, and place it in the hole so that the seed sting is down, and gently Pour dirt on it. Click to buy soil.
Environmental requirements of pistachios
Pistachio has no problem with any type of soil and grows well in most soils, but the combination of soil with sand can be better for its growth. Mix animal manure (the best type is rotten cow manure) or some rotten leaf litter and pour it into the hole you have prepared for planting pistachios.
Pistachio tree is resistant to both cold and heat. This tree can easily withstand cold up to -20 degrees Celsius in winter and is also resistant to summer heat up to about 45 degrees Celsius.
Pistachios need low water and are very resistant to dehydration and drought. This tree is highly dependent on the sun and light, and if planted in a place where direct sunlight shines, it will produce more crops. This tree performs very badly in wet places and if it is given too much water, its roots will rot and suffer from fungal diseases. But after planting pistachios and placing the seedlings in the places you have already prepared, be sure to water them.

Wash your hands with milk, broth or vinegar

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Dip your palms in lemon juice, add a pinch of salt and rub your palms pistachio shell together to remove stains. Rub baking soda and dishwashing liquid on your hands. Apply toothpaste on your hands with an unused toothbrush.
Then pour the peeled walnuts into a bowl, pour cold water on them and wash.
Try to wash quickly so that water does not penetrate into the walnut.
If moisture seeps into the walnut, the kernel will not dry well.
The walnuts that come on the water are hollow. Stuffed walnuts go to the bottom of the dish. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
Pour fresh walnuts into a colander to drain.
Then spread them on a sheet on the floor in the shade and in a dry place where air is flowing and let them dry.
Leave the walnuts in this position for two weeks until their skin is completely dry.
Move the walnuts up and down several times during the day so that everything around them is dry and the kernels are the same.
When the walnuts are completely dry, put them in a net-like bag or cloth and store them. The storage area should be dry and cool.
You can even put walnuts in the freezer. In this case, the walnuts will be preserved for one to two years.
If they are completely under the sun, their brains will turn black. It should be a place that is both shady and a little sun.
In areas with mild sun, walnuts can be dried in mild sun after peeling.
After 2 weeks, break one of the walnuts. If it is completely dry, store it in a cool, dark place in a basket or plastic net.
If they are not dry, let them dry again and then collect them.
If they are damp and you collect them, it will cause the walnut kernels to become moldy and rotten.
Try to keep a distance between the walnuts. Avoid putting walnuts next to each other as it may cause them to become moldy.
The drying temperature of walnuts should not be more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Executive tips after pistachio harvest

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Many pistachio growers pistachio shell after the harvest and with the onset of autumn and winter, cut down the care of gardens and maintenance measures until the beginning of spring or by performing additional operations will cause damage to their garden. It is interesting to know that many of the problems that exist in a pistachio orchard are related to the lack of proper management of the pistachio orchard after harvest. Due to the variety of seasons, management is different in each season.
In this article, we have studied the post-harvest operations in pistachio orchards in detail. Take a few minutes to read this article so that you do not face any problems in managing your garden in the future. In this way, we are with you in Diane training team to achieve the best result based on the conditions of your garden.
In this article, we have gathered the experiences of experienced and knowledgeable gardeners for you.
Irrigation after pistachio harvest
Irrigation after pistachio harvest if not done will reduce the flower buds of next year pistachios. The next year's flower bud changes in pistachios continue after harvest, and therefore post-harvest irrigation of pistachios is very important. After harvest, to prevent stress to the tree and improve nutrient uptake in the fall, pistachio irrigation should be done after harvest, but then watering is stopped to reduce the vegetative growth of the tree at the same time as the leaves fall. But note that after the complete fall of the leaves and the beginning of pistachio dormancy (in autumn and winter), pistachio trees need sufficient moisture in the soil. Dear gardeners, note that sufficient moisture does not mean heavy irrigation after pistachio harvest. One of the common mistakes of gardeners is heavy irrigation in winter, which increases root and crown rot diseases. Light irrigation should be done if there is no rain and snow so that the soil does not dry out.
Read also about irrigating pistachios in autumn and winter
3. Feeding and fertilizer after pistachio harvest
Lack of nutrition and fertilization after pistachio harvest causes the next year's flower buds to fall or weaken and the tree to grow poorly. Fruit set is done as foliar feeding and fertilizer mixing with soil is done as root feeding after pistachio harvest.
Fruit set after pistachio harvest:
One of the most important nutritional stages in pistachio orchards is post-harvest fruit set. After harvesting pistachios, the leaves of the trees are still green, and this indicates the activity of the leaves after harvesting the fruit. The greenness of the leaves after harvest means the transfer of nutrients from the leaves to the buds and roots. Therefore, with fruit set after harvest, we can help strengthen the buds. When to set fruit? What fertilizers should we use for fruit set? Is spring fruit set better or autumn fruit set? Read the answers to these questions in the article "Fruit set of fruit trees after harvest".

Chemical analysis of different drying methods

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Humidity was determined by pistachio shell drying 5 g of the sample in a room with air flow at a temperature of 2.103 ° C until it reached a constant weight. To determine the properties of pistachio oil, 100 g of pistachio kernels were extracted from each sample as a base in the cold with the help of hexane, which was a solvent.
The solvent was evaporated at low temperature. Permitted fatty acids were determined as the percentage of oleic acid using the AOAC titration method. The amount of peroxide was measured using the ionometric titration method recommended by AOAC. Thiobarbituric acid values ​​were determined by adsorption at 532 nm.
Percentage of cracks and cracks in pistachio kernels
Five hundred grams of whole pistachio seeds were prepared and the number of seeds with slit shell was counted. Indicators with a thickness of 0.6 mm and a width of 6 mm were used to determine cracked skins. (Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research, 1999)
The percentage of cleft skins was calculated from the following equation:
100 * Total number of seeds per 500 grams of seeds / Number of seeds with cracked skin in 500 grams of seeds = Percentage of cracked skins
Percentage of cracks and cracks in pistachio kernels
Evaluation of quality of dried pistachios
A taste test panel was conducted with the participation of 16 trained and experienced people in sensory evaluation of pistachio nuts. Sensory evaluation was performed based on 5-point hydonic scale. They were taught how to use the Hydonic scale and what to consider during the evaluation. The samples were placed at room temperature for 12 hours before evaluation to reach ambient temperature.
The panels received 3 nuts in each sample and all sensory assessments were repeated 3 times. The samples are labeled with a three-digit random number and a random order is used to display them. The quality characteristics studied are: firmness, sweetness, sourness, roasted taste, shell form, cracked shells and overall pleasant taste.
Evaluation of quality of dried pistachios
Analysis of forthcoming test data
The effect of drying methods on different parameters of pistachio seeds was determined using a completely randomized block design (RCBD) after analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant differences in behavioral methods were compared using the least significant difference (LSD) test at the 5% level using the MSTATC statistical software program version 1.4.
Results obtained from the study of different methods of drying pistachios
The results obtained from the study of existing methods in drying pistachios in Iran are reported based on the following 4 parameters:
The amount of moisture
Percentage of cracked shell
Fat quality
Structural properties of pistachios
The effect of pistachio drying method on moisture content
There is a significant difference in the moisture content of dried pistachio nuts between the drying methods used in this study (Figure 5). The grain moisture content was less than 4% in all drying methods. Dried grains with vertical and continuous vertical cylindrical dryers have less moisture, which is probably due to their longer shelf life.
Dried nuts in all methods had less moisture than standard moisture (6% by weight moisture) suitable for hot and dry areas. Our data are consistent with the data reported by Kamangar and Farsam (1977) who reported that the moisture content of dried pistachio seeds in Kerman province is less than 6%.

Benefits of pistachio consumption in the prevention of heart disease

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Studies on the effects pistachio shell and nutritional benefits of pistachios on the health of the human body show that eating pistachios can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In these studies, diet researchers replaced pistachios with certain foods in participants in the study. The results of about 67% of these studies have shown that pistachio consumption reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body and increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body. In addition, some studies show that eating pistachios can lower blood pressure by as much as 1.82 millimeters of mercury. Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure is vital for the body, as it can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Properties of pistachio for children: 9. Nut pistachio is useful for children's growth
As mentioned, pistachios are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and all age groups can include them in their diet. Children who are growing up need to eat healthy foods and the properties of pistachios for children have been proven in many studies. Eating pistachios is suitable for everyone, but because of the iron content of these nuts, girls should not neglect to eat it. Pistachios are also a good source of potassium and other minerals that are essential for children's growth. Putting pistachios in children's diets is very useful for the growth of muscles, bones and internal organs of their body.
In addition, these nuts can be very effective in improving the function of children's nervous systems. On the other hand, it is important to note that regular consumption of 20 grams of pistachios in children improves their heart rate. Regular heart rate, strengthening the nervous system and hematopoietic properties of pistachios will also be very effective in improving their brain function.
Properties of pistachios for children: 9. Nut pistachios are useful for children's growth
Benefits of pistachio for vascular health: 10. Health of blood vessels
We mentioned earlier that pistachios are a rich source of an amino acid called arginine, which is converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide plays an important role in opening blood vessels and the function of blood flow in the body. In blood and lymph vessels, a thin layer covers the inside of these vessels, which is called the intravascular layer. Nitric oxide signals smooth muscle cells in the blood vessels to dilate, thereby dilating the blood vessels.

Pistachio harvest

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So far, we have raised some pistachio shell points about pistachio cultivation. Pistachio cultivation is very prosperous in Iran; But the harvest stage is also an important stage. First of all, note that every year, the number of fruits of pistachio trees will be different. That is, one year will produce less and the next year will produce more. The best time to harvest pistachios is when the color of the shells changes from green to yellow.
When you see these signs, you must pick up the product. Because if you procrastinate; They may be attacked by pests. Also be sure to do pruning when the tree is dormant. Read about pest control methods.
Important points about pistachio harvest
The last word
Planting pistachios in Iran is one of the good and profitable ideas to earn money. But note that pistachio seedlings do not grow everywhere and under any conditions. First you need to make sure that the area you have chosen; Is it suitable for growing pistachios or not? Finally, it is important to pay attention to the water and minerals that the seedlings need.
You should also think in advance about the diseases that may threaten the seedlings and find a cure for them. In general, the use of seedlings for pistachio cultivation is more recommended. Have you ever grown pistachios? What do you think is the best way to plant pistachios? What other points should be considered when planting pistachios at home? Please share your comments with us.

How to salt raw pistachios

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Salting and roasting pistachios is pistachio shell a trick to make pistachios delicious and flavorful. Salted pistachios are mostly used in nuts and are not used in sweets and food products. Fewer people today use traditional methods to salt pistachios, and industrial methods have replaced traditional methods that have made things easier for everyone. In this article, we will talk about the method of salting pistachios.
Traditional methods were a completely natural method, but today everything is different, the colors and flavors that are added to the nuts are not natural. Of course, there are always and everywhere profiteers in every guild. Sometimes, these same profiteers salt low-quality pistachios and offer them to the market. It is better if you can do it yourself at home.
If salting and roasting pistachios is done quickly and at high temperatures, the medicinal properties and nutritional value of pistachios will decrease, and because high temperatures cause the loss of antioxidants and essential amino acids, it is better not to rush when salting pistachios. Use lower temperatures and longer times to preserve the properties of pistachios. Salted pistachios are easy to digest and are famous for their properties and generality.
Methods of salting pistachios at home
The first method
Salting pistachios at home is such that first soak the pistachios in water for one to two hours, then pour it into a strainer to completely drain the water.
Add the desired amount of salt to it and pour it into a bowl and stir it gently with a gentle heat to dry the water. If there is moisture in the salted pistachios, the pistachios should be poured into a container to dry in the open air.
Of course, to flavor pistachios, you can also use lemon juice or juice and angelica. One of the advantages of salting pistachios at home is that you can use any flavor more or less depending on your taste. When pistachios are salted and marketed, 90% of it is for use in nuts and is packaged or in bulk in public markets.
The second method
In this method, after pouring the pistachios in a frying pan on a gentle heat, stir the pistachios regularly to darken the color a little, and when you feel the smell and taste change, pour some salt water on it, but you can use flavored ingredients. Use pistachios and continue to stir until the water is completely gone and dry.