مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Eating saffron pistachios during pregnancy

۱۶ بازديد
All the properties that are stated for nuts are related to raw nuts. pistachio shell Baking and processing nuts damages many of the properties of nuts. Pistachios are no exception. On the other hand, roasting and flavoring pistachios gives unscrupulous people the opportunity to cover up possible problems such as nuts, aging, poor storage, mold growth and other possible problems. Therefore, regardless of whether eating saffron pistachios during pregnancy causes problems for the mother and fetus or not, generally avoid eating processed nuts. In the case of saffron pistachios, this amount of saffron is unlikely to lead to any problems; However, in this regard, the opinion of a specialist is preferable. Here is how to prepare a delicious dessert with pistachios.
Watergate Salad
Watergate salad is a delicious dessert that is easy to prepare

The difference between Akbari and Ahmad Aghaei pistachios

۲۳ بازديد
What is the difference between Akbari and Ahmad pistachio shell Aghaei pistachios?
Some nuts are native to Iran. Almonds, walnuts and pistachios are among these nuts and still outperform their competitors in terms of taste. For example, although the United States is the largest producer of almonds in the world, the aroma of its almonds does not reach the feet of Iranian almonds. The situation is even different with pistachios. According to FAO statistics, in 2019, Iranian and American pistachio production was very close to each other (1), however, the quality of Iranian pistachios is much higher than American pistachios. This is while in the recent past, Iran is the first in the world in terms of pistachio production, but in recent years, due to mismanagement in water consumption and successive droughts, this advantage has been lost.
In this article, we will examine the difference between Akbari pistachio and Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. Both types of pistachios are among the well-known pistachios in Iran and do not differ much in appearance. In the article types of pistachios; Introducing different varieties of pistachios We have studied the types of pistachios in Iran, but in this article we decide to focus more on the differences between Akbari and Ahmad Aghaei pistachios.

What are the types of pistachios available in Iran?

۲۴ بازديد
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we have already reviewed the pistachio shell types of pistachios in Iran, but here we will briefly mention it for the reader who has not followed the previous content. There are about 60 to 70 different species of female pistachio trees in Iran. There are different categories to identify their types. In these categories, pistachios are divided into two categories of hazelnut pistachios and almond pistachios in terms of appearance, into three categories of early flowering pistachios, medium flowering pistachios and late flowering pistachios and in terms of fruit ripening time to five types of very early pistachios, early pistachios and pistachios. Medium clay, late ripening pistachio and very late ripening pistachio are divided. Koleghoochi pistachio is in the category of hazelnut pistachios. Its shape is round and like a hazelnut and its size is large.

Properties of pistachios for diabetes

۲۷ بازديد
A study published in Pennsylvania State University in 2015 examined pistachio shell the effects of daily consumption of pistachios on a graph of lipid-to-lipoprotein ratio, glycemic control, inflammatory markers, and circulatory system in adults with type 2 diabetes. Participants were divided into two groups, one eating a pistachio-free diet and the other eating a pistachio diet that accounted for 20% of calories.
Although pistachios did not appear to be effective in controlling blood sugar, they had a positive effect on cholesterol, good to bad cholesterol ratios, and triglycerides. Diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. For people with type 2 diabetes who are looking to improve their cardiometabolic risk factors, eating pistachios regularly as part of a healthy diet can help eliminate serious heart problems. Cardiometabolic is a combination of several fat-related disorders that together increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Pistachios as smiling nuts are the best killer of diabetes!

۲۶ بازديد
Eating a handful of pistachios as a snack during the day is not good for your pistachio shell health. According to research, pistachios and diabetes affect each other, and pistachios lower blood sugar by reducing the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. These smiling nuts are high in plant proteins, minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which meet the body's basic needs. It should be noted that pistachio protein is so high that it can replace meat and legumes.
Pistachios and diabetes
The relationship between pistachios and diabetes!
In diabetes, sugar binds to proteins and is therefore no longer usable by the body; This process is called glycation. Research has shown that the antioxidants in pistachios lower glycation levels for diabetics. That's why pistachios are good for diabetes.

Full review of the properties and harms of eating pistachios

۲۴ بازديد
Eating pistachios as one of the most important types of nuts is very pistachio shell common in Iran. This product can be seen in almost all stores selling dried products, and its so-called market is very prosperous. Although the usefulness of pistachios is not hidden from anyone, but its conscious consumption can have a beneficial effect on human health. What is harmful in some cases and should be avoided.
Nutritional value of pistachios
We first try to review the information on calories, nutrients, fats, and antioxidants in pistachios.
Pistachio calories
Each ounce of dried pistachio kernels (28.35 grams per ounce) contains 160 calories, which provides 6% of an adult's daily caloric needs.
Nutrients in pistachios (non-salty and salty)
Salted pistachios contain 3 milligrams of sodium per ounce (28 grams) of pistachio kernels, which is 1 percent of the daily value and 0.2 percent of the recommended daily allowance by the American Heart Association. Salted pistachios contain 125-220 mg of sodium per ounce (28 g), which is 5-10% of the daily value and 15-8% of the daily limit recommended by the American Heart Institute.

A variety of nuts to reduce high blood pressure!

۲۵ بازديد
Studies show that eating pistachio kernels separately reduces high pistachio shell blood pressure and reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In the following, we will introduce you to some other nuts to reduce this disease.
Almonds and blood pressure
Nutritionists always recommend that you eat 4 to 5 meals of this food group in Hafna. One serving of almonds contains one-third of a cup. In general, unsaturated and healthy fats in almonds help reduce blood lipids and reduce arterial inflammation. This reduces the pressure inside the arteries and lowers the blood pressure. This type of benefit makes it available in the DASH diet.
Walnuts and blood pressure
Research has shown that when adults eat half a cup of walnuts daily for about four months, they cause better blood flow, lower blood pressure and less back pain. This type of kernel contains fiber and magnesium, which is a good reason for lowering blood pressure.
Hazelnuts and blood pressure
The presence of unsaturated fats, vitamin E and minerals such as copper and magnesium are all factors that reduce blood pressure and inflammation. In addition, although hazelnuts are high in fat, they do not cause weight gain. So in the face of the hazelnut question raises blood pressure; The answer is no.
Recommended article: Hazelnuts and Blood Pressure

What are the characteristics of Akbari pistachio?

۲۴ بازديد
Akbari pistachios are mostly known for their characteristics pistachio shell such as being stretched and well-shaped, and many people also call them luxury and luxurious pistachios for parties. But Akbari pistachios have many characteristics that we will introduce to you in the following. Characteristics of Akbari pistachio tree: This type of pistachio has moderate growth power and its growth habit is also extensive. The tree also grows to a medium height and its crown width is large. Flowering: The flowering of Akbari pistachio in Rafsanjan weather and soil conditions is on April 11 and the whole flowering stage is on April 16. Akbari pistachio has an 11-day flowering length. Akbari pistachio tree leaves: Akbari pistachio tree has very simple and beautiful leaves that are present in large numbers in the tree. The percentage of three-leaf leaves in this tree is low and the percentage of 4-leaf and 5-leaf leaves in it is high. The leaves are neither too long nor too short and grow to a medium size. Sprouts: The buds of the Akbari pistachio tree have a spherical flower shape. Fruit cluster: Akbari pistachio has a short fruit cluster length, low fruit cluster width and medium branches. In general, it should be said that in Akbari pistachio clusters, they are slightly smaller than other pistachio clusters and there are large and elongated pistachios on them. Fruiting: The date of rapid growth of Akbari pistachio embryos occurs on July 31 and its fruit arrives on September 22. Fruit: Medium green skin tip, green skin color when red fruit ripens, dry width 12.22 mm and length 61.12 mm, equal gap position in the abdomen and back, high degree of smile of bony skin 02.3 mm and Weight 75.0 g All the appearance and physical characteristics of Akbari pistachios.

The benefits of pistachios

۲۴ بازديد
Pistachio is known for its unique properties, pistachio shell apart from its unique taste:
Pistachios are widely used in both nuts and drinks and desserts, but perhaps
Many people in the community are not familiar enough with all its properties here
We want to introduce you to some of the benefits of pistachio. Pistachio is a tree that has
It grows to a height of about 5 meters and bears fruit in early autumn.
Its excellent chemical composition is rich in nutrients, so for
Strengthen the sick and weak persons is suitable in one hundred grams of pistachio following ingredients
Available 2.5 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat, 54 grams of starch
15 grams of phosphorus 500 mg calcium 130 mg iron 7.5 mg and vitamins
230A unit of vitamin B 0.71 g and phosphorus 500 mg.
Pistachio kernels are hematopoietic due to their iron-forming properties
Eating some pistachios daily can help them as well
Eating pistachios strengthens *******ual power and makes the brain and mind more active
It is useful for calming the heart and nerves, to open the liver ducts for patients
It has excellent performance and its consumption is recommended. Pistachio strengthens the stomach
It also causes normal diarrhea and bloody diarrhea, but it is also boiled
Pistachio bark and leaves are useful for relieving anal pain and itching. Green skin
In terms of old fever, pistachio is allowed to be cold and dry, unlike its kernel, which it has
It is allowed to be warm and has properties such as eliminating bad breath and chewing it
Healing wounds of the mouth and gums.

Cause of falling flower buds and fruits of pistachio tree

۲۴ بازديد
Emerging fruits are a powerful pistachio shell reservoir for photosynthetic material. Sprouts
Flowers weakly compete with developing fruits for photosynthetic material
And this may be the reason for their downfall. Levitt and Ferguson 1994
It was reported that urea foliar application in combination with benzyl adenine was successful
Prevents the fall of flower buds in pistachio cultivar Kerman. Treatments
Applied caused the number of buds on the branches treated with
25 mg / l benzyl adenine in combination with 0.3% nitrogen Familiar with
Practically reduced and had 2 to 3 times as many branches with pistachio as urea
Control trees increase. Fruit drop Fruit drop is another
The problems of pistachio trees, so that in the high-yield years to about 80
The percentage also reaches. Type of pollen, problems of pollination and fertilization, unfavorable conditions
Environmental and impaired absorption of carbohydrates, minerals and regulators
Growth has been reported as one of the reasons for this phenomenon.
Free polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine including poly compounds
Cations are of low molecular weight and have been shown to decay
Severely reduces the fruits in grapes, mangoes and lychees. Effect of foliar application of polyamines
Spermine and spermidine largely depend on the time of application and the concentration of the case
Their use and it seems that the application of spermine polyamine plays an important role in
Prevents the phenomenon of shedding as well as improves fruit development and branch function
Pistachio plays.