What are the characteristics of Akbari pistachio?

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What are the characteristics of Akbari pistachio?

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Akbari pistachios are mostly known for their characteristics pistachio shell such as being stretched and well-shaped, and many people also call them luxury and luxurious pistachios for parties. But Akbari pistachios have many characteristics that we will introduce to you in the following. Characteristics of Akbari pistachio tree: This type of pistachio has moderate growth power and its growth habit is also extensive. The tree also grows to a medium height and its crown width is large. Flowering: The flowering of Akbari pistachio in Rafsanjan weather and soil conditions is on April 11 and the whole flowering stage is on April 16. Akbari pistachio has an 11-day flowering length. Akbari pistachio tree leaves: Akbari pistachio tree has very simple and beautiful leaves that are present in large numbers in the tree. The percentage of three-leaf leaves in this tree is low and the percentage of 4-leaf and 5-leaf leaves in it is high. The leaves are neither too long nor too short and grow to a medium size. Sprouts: The buds of the Akbari pistachio tree have a spherical flower shape. Fruit cluster: Akbari pistachio has a short fruit cluster length, low fruit cluster width and medium branches. In general, it should be said that in Akbari pistachio clusters, they are slightly smaller than other pistachio clusters and there are large and elongated pistachios on them. Fruiting: The date of rapid growth of Akbari pistachio embryos occurs on July 31 and its fruit arrives on September 22. Fruit: Medium green skin tip, green skin color when red fruit ripens, dry width 12.22 mm and length 61.12 mm, equal gap position in the abdomen and back, high degree of smile of bony skin 02.3 mm and Weight 75.0 g All the appearance and physical characteristics of Akbari pistachios.
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