مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Humic acid and their beneficial properties

۳۱ بازديد

Most minerals are not absorbed by plants due pistachio shell to oxides, carbonates and sulfides.
Sulfates also have limited adsorption capacity. The role of soil humic acid on the one hand and
Absorb insoluble elements from the soil and on the other hand retain these elements in themselves and transfer it
At the right time to the roots of the plant. Humic acid improves the production of sugar, protein and vitamins
In the plant as well as the positive effect it has on various aspects of photosynthesis, the nutritional content of the products
Increases agriculture. Humic acid has unparalleled stability in soil.
Beneficial soil microorganisms can use humic acid as an energy source
Put. Humic plants soil fertilizers before they are fertilized. That means
Humic acid polymers act like an organic adhesive and mineral particles
They stick the soil together. Microgranules are also formed with the help of the same adhesive
Combined, they form larger granules. When these granules are together
They create an empty space between themselves that helps to further penetrate air, water and roots
They are also a good space for micro-organisms, both microscopic and macroscopic
Create. Consumption of humic acid in clay soils reduces the stabilization of potassium and
Increases potassium uptake.
In pistachio orchards, it is recommended 3 to 4 times and 5 liters of humic acid per hectare each time.
Consume with irrigation water. Maximum consumption of humic acid in pistachio orchards is 20 to 24 liters
Hectares and it is with the opinion of experts. Its overdose is not only positive but also with
Some key elements in pistachio trees such as calcium can form bonds and complexes
Make calcium humate and remove calcium from trees.

Short introduction of pistachio tree

۳۰ بازديد

Pistachio tree is a small tree that pistachio shell has come to the whole world from Central Asia and the Middle East. This small tree was originally grown only in countries such as Iran, Turkmenistan and Syria. The product of this fruit tree is very nutritious and delicious with the same name. The name pistachio is a Persian word that has entered Latin languages ​​from this language.
Today, there are several varieties of pistachios that are made with newer technologies that are more resistant or grow faster than older pistachio trees. This tree, like other trees, needs minerals and various elements for growth and productivity.
Based on the plant's need for these nutrients, they are divided into two categories of high-consumption and low-consumption elements. The absence or deficiency of these elements can negatively affect the growth and productivity of the tree crop. Excessive use of some of these nutrients is also dangerous.

Half of Iranian pistachios have been exported

۲۷ بازديد

A member of the Pistachio Association stated: pistachio shell According to unofficial statistics, half of the country's pistachios have been exported and the rest will be exported in the coming months.
He also said: "Last year, the Chinese, who had high purchases from Iran late last year, were not considered a loyal customer of Iranian pistachios, but exports to China are expected to increase due to the quality of Iranian pistachios."
Nazari added in the end: "Pistachio needs new markets for further prosperity, which is expected to become operational in the Chamber of Commerce and the private sector parliament." 

Solutions for soil texture management in contaminated gardens

۲۶ بازديد

In contaminated gardens, heavy pistachio shell flooding or circulating irrigation should not be used. In cases where the amount of disease damage is severe, reducing the amount and frequency of irrigation is useful. In this case, the growth factor of plants should be considered.
The use of pressurized irrigation systems is superior in terms of reducing the amount of water used compared to flood irrigation, reducing the time of crown and root contact with water and long-term soil unsaturation. It should be noted that the disease is not completely solvable despite the use of pressurized irrigation systems and the mortality rate in the garden is relatively reduced.
Trees along the irrigation water route are another problem. If these trees are infected with this disease, two problems occur.
In the first stage, on the tissue of diseased trees, the fungus produces vegetative reproductive organs that are easily transferred to the underlying gardens with water.
In the second stage, the dried trees are pulled out of the soil by gardeners and a large amount of contaminated soil remains in the atmosphere, which is passively transported by water.

Nutrition management of pistachio trees in autumn

۳۱ بازديد

In connection with the nutrition of pistachios, pistachio shell the first step at the beginning of the autumn season is the spraying of gardens with elements whose role in the strength, stability and survival of the next year's buds has been proven. For post-harvest spraying with a combination of zinc chelate, urea (3 per thousand) and calcium chelate is recommended for many orchards.
In addition, during the autumn period and inactivity of the pistachio tree, winter repair and fertilization operations can be started. The most important improvement operation that the soil of some pistachio orchards needs is to give agricultural gypsum to the orchard. Plastering is a way to improve alkaline and low permeability soils.
The best time to apply the plaster to the soil is during dormancy or low root activity, where there is a possibility of heavy irrigation after applying the plaster. To determine the amount of gypsum, it is necessary to know the soil texture, sodium uptake ratio (SAR), calcium to magnesium ratio and salinity of irrigation water. The decision to give gypsum and the amount of gypsum required for one hectare of garden should be made with the advice of relevant experts.

Artificial pollination training of pistachio trees

۲۴ بازديد

Artificial pollination training of pistachio shell pistachio treesThe instruction of artificial pollination of pistachio trees is as follows (numbers based on image):
 First, we select the branches of the male trees that have both red and yellow flowers. This is because the pollination period starts from red and continues until the end of the yellowing of the flower, and the flowers in one branch should be such that they have the whole period and can last for several days. The branches containing flowers should be pruned so that Shake as little as possible because this action will empty the pollen in the same area. And the more flowers in a thin branch, the better.The branches should be arranged so that when placed in a can of water they do not sink too low to reduce their yield and not so high that they are shaken by the wind and all their pollen is immediately emptied.As we have said, the more flowers there are in the cut branch, the better and the more environment the garden can support. It should be noted that the water inside the cans of the branches must be fresh drinking water. We hang water containers containing flower branches on low-leafed trees in each area of ​​the garden so that the wind blows better and the pollen is more spread in the air. Give a strong shake.The important point in all these stages is to treat the branches containing flowers gently and gently so that they shake with the least amount of time and their pollen does not empty at once.

Factors increasing the population growth of pistachio psyllids

۲۷ بازديد

Factors and conditions that cause the pistachio shell growth and increase of psyllid population in gardens:
Execution of the first time spraying or spraying at the time of flowering: This spraying is done against pests such as pistachio wood-eating moths, fruit-eating moths, pistachio weevils, chanterelles (juicy), etc. If toxins are used in this spraying that do not affect the psyllid pest, it will increase the resistance and growth of the psyllid population.If a toxin is used for the first time that stimulates the spawning of the psyllid and shortens the duration of a generation (such as thiodicarb, metacystox and fention), the psyllid will erupt.Frequent spraying and mixing of toxins together, which completely eliminates natural enemies and increases the population of pistachio pests.If pesticides are used against pistachio psyllids that do not have a sufficient effect on pest mortality (such as zolone), it will increase the population.If the garden is sprayed at a time when all stages of the pest life, including eggs, purees and insects are seen and also a lot of sugar is produced on the surface of the leaves, the effect of the pest will decrease and after a while the pest population will increase. SlowlyExcessive use of nitrogen chemical fertilizers, especially urea and ammonium sulfate in the warm months of the year at the plot levels, as well as chloropotassium fertilizer, provide the conditions for population growth.The use of poultry manure alone and in large quantities also increases the population of psyllids.Poor soil in terms of nutrients and unsuitable soil texture are also factors in population growth, sandy soils and clay and hard soils due to lack of moisture absorption and maintenance due to long irrigation period faster contaminated with pests To turn.The uneven surface of the plots, which means that the trees at high altitudes are not well irrigated and have less moisture.Do not use manure, plowing and deep plowing in gardens for a long time.Dense planting of trees and not observing proper distances and pruning operations.Existence of many weeds in the garden from June onwards.

Khanlzai theory about pistachio tree

۲۵ بازديد

The late Khanlari has a similar view. pistachio shell Addressing the lexical roots of some plants that have Iranian origins and whose names have spread to other Sunnis, he says: "It is obvious that many plants, flowers and trees first existed in one area of ​​the planet. And from there it has been transferred to other areas.
However, often the original name of the plant or flower or tree or fruit from the language of the people of their main land has entered the language of the people of other countries and has become popular with a slight change of form). Dr. Khanlari then pays attention to the Persian word for pistachio, which is derived from the people of the northern regions of Khorasan.
According to him, pistachio has been a special plant and fruit in Sughd and North Khorasan regions and is still considered as the main plant in that region. Khanlari's comment is based on the same theory as Loefer's birth.

Introducing different types of pistachios

۲۲ بازديد

Introduction of different pistachio pistachio shell cultivarsPistachio is a very popular and very tasty fruit. Although in the end all pistachio cultivars are pistachios, but differences distinguish different cultivars. There are differences in weight, size, elongation, visibility, brain color and كه that make the price difference between different pistachio cultivars.
In general, there are more than 90 different varieties of pistachios. Of these 90 varieties, only a few are sold for nuts. Some of them are sold for use as seeds and some are sold only for their brains. But if we add the other digits, it still does not reach 90 digits.
The rest of the cultivars could not be planted due to the lack of favorable conditions for sale or many pests, or did not sell well and were not planted during other times, or their existence has decreased.
Introduction of nut pistachio cultivarsNut pistachios are one of the most popular pistachios in the markets. These pistachios have a good view and their taste is delicious. Some have a good stretch. Some of them are more economical and some are larger. Choosing the right pistachio for nuts depends on the type of nuts. Pistachios are usually chosen to stand out in the nuts.
Among different and very pistachio cultivars, 4 varieties of pistachios are the most popular. They are mostly planted by farmers and are more popular in the market. These four cultivars are known as Ahmad Aghaei, Akbari, Koleghoochi and Hazelnut.
Of course, other pistachios are also sold as nuts, but they are not as popular as the above four varieties. Pastes such as Mumtaz, mountain pistachio and white pistachio are in this category.

Sell all kinds of packaged dried apples

۱۹ بازديد

Dried apple packaging is one of the pistachio shell products that is sold in completely hygienic packaging inside and outside Iran and has a very high quality. In the sale of dried apples, the packaging of this product is very high quality and in completely hygienic packaging, it is provided to buyers all over Iran, and people can save on their direct غير مجاز مي باشدts by buying the product, and from the producer. Original support.
Sell ​​all kinds of packaged dried applesMedicinal properties of dried apple fruitMedicinal properties of dried apple fruit Dried apple fruit remains like medicine and you must have heard that anyone who eats an apple a day will be safe from various diseases. Dried apple fruit, like the apple itself, has many properties for the body. And its use can help improve various organs of the body, including the medicinal properties of dried apple fruit can be mentioned as follows:
Strengthen the immune system: Dried apples are rich in antioxidants and therefore its use can help strengthen the immune system and make the human body to be largely immune to various diseases, according to studies. Who consumes dried apple fruit daily have a more resistant body to various diseases.Prevention of Intestinal Cancer: Another unique property of dried apples for the body can be considered the prevention of intestinal cancer. Intestinal cancer occurs when substances remain in the intestines for a long time and can not be excreted. Dried apples With its high fiber content, it can prevent the accumulation of substances in the intestines and cure or prevent colon cancer to a large extent.