پنجشنبه ۰۹ دی ۰۰ | ۱۱:۴۳ ۲۷ بازديد
Artificial pollination training of pistachio shell pistachio treesThe instruction of artificial pollination of pistachio trees is as follows (numbers based on image):
First, we select the branches of the male trees that have both red and yellow flowers. This is because the pollination period starts from red and continues until the end of the yellowing of the flower, and the flowers in one branch should be such that they have the whole period and can last for several days. The branches containing flowers should be pruned so that Shake as little as possible because this action will empty the pollen in the same area. And the more flowers in a thin branch, the better.The branches should be arranged so that when placed in a can of water they do not sink too low to reduce their yield and not so high that they are shaken by the wind and all their pollen is immediately emptied.As we have said, the more flowers there are in the cut branch, the better and the more environment the garden can support. It should be noted that the water inside the cans of the branches must be fresh drinking water. We hang water containers containing flower branches on low-leafed trees in each area of the garden so that the wind blows better and the pollen is more spread in the air. Give a strong shake.The important point in all these stages is to treat the branches containing flowers gently and gently so that they shake with the least amount of time and their pollen does not empty at once.