Introducing different types of pistachios

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Introducing different types of pistachios

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Introduction of different pistachio pistachio shell cultivarsPistachio is a very popular and very tasty fruit. Although in the end all pistachio cultivars are pistachios, but differences distinguish different cultivars. There are differences in weight, size, elongation, visibility, brain color and كه that make the price difference between different pistachio cultivars.
In general, there are more than 90 different varieties of pistachios. Of these 90 varieties, only a few are sold for nuts. Some of them are sold for use as seeds and some are sold only for their brains. But if we add the other digits, it still does not reach 90 digits.
The rest of the cultivars could not be planted due to the lack of favorable conditions for sale or many pests, or did not sell well and were not planted during other times, or their existence has decreased.
Introduction of nut pistachio cultivarsNut pistachios are one of the most popular pistachios in the markets. These pistachios have a good view and their taste is delicious. Some have a good stretch. Some of them are more economical and some are larger. Choosing the right pistachio for nuts depends on the type of nuts. Pistachios are usually chosen to stand out in the nuts.
Among different and very pistachio cultivars, 4 varieties of pistachios are the most popular. They are mostly planted by farmers and are more popular in the market. These four cultivars are known as Ahmad Aghaei, Akbari, Koleghoochi and Hazelnut.
Of course, other pistachios are also sold as nuts, but they are not as popular as the above four varieties. Pastes such as Mumtaz, mountain pistachio and white pistachio are in this category.

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