Solutions for soil texture management in contaminated gardens

۲۷ بازديد

In contaminated gardens, heavy pistachio shell flooding or circulating irrigation should not be used. In cases where the amount of disease damage is severe, reducing the amount and frequency of irrigation is useful. In this case, the growth factor of plants should be considered.
The use of pressurized irrigation systems is superior in terms of reducing the amount of water used compared to flood irrigation, reducing the time of crown and root contact with water and long-term soil unsaturation. It should be noted that the disease is not completely solvable despite the use of pressurized irrigation systems and the mortality rate in the garden is relatively reduced.
Trees along the irrigation water route are another problem. If these trees are infected with this disease, two problems occur.
In the first stage, on the tissue of diseased trees, the fungus produces vegetative reproductive organs that are easily transferred to the underlying gardens with water.
In the second stage, the dried trees are pulled out of the soil by gardeners and a large amount of contaminated soil remains in the atmosphere, which is passively transported by water.

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