Short introduction of pistachio tree

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Short introduction of pistachio tree

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Pistachio tree is a small tree that pistachio shell has come to the whole world from Central Asia and the Middle East. This small tree was originally grown only in countries such as Iran, Turkmenistan and Syria. The product of this fruit tree is very nutritious and delicious with the same name. The name pistachio is a Persian word that has entered Latin languages ​​from this language.
Today, there are several varieties of pistachios that are made with newer technologies that are more resistant or grow faster than older pistachio trees. This tree, like other trees, needs minerals and various elements for growth and productivity.
Based on the plant's need for these nutrients, they are divided into two categories of high-consumption and low-consumption elements. The absence or deficiency of these elements can negatively affect the growth and productivity of the tree crop. Excessive use of some of these nutrients is also dangerous.

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