مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Nutrition management of pistachio orchard in spring

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In orchards where bone marrow spotting has been observed in previous years, pistachio shell spraying calcium chelate with a concentration of 500 to 750 cc per thousand liters of water in the third decade of April is effective to eliminate and reduce the damage of the complication. The best time to start nutrient spraying is May 1st.
At this time, the leaf surface is large enough and its permeability is relatively fast and convenient. For foliar application, try fertilizers that combine two or three samples to cover all the tree needs for macro and micro elements.
For best results, the first spraying should be repeated at intervals of two to three weeks. In June, before fertilization, it is recommended to apply a second dose of nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 175 kg / ha, ammonium sulfate, or 150 kg of urea for sweet soils. Before brainwashing, foliar application of potassium chelate and urea is effective in preventing burns and osteoporosis.

The role of soil pH in absorbing the required elements of pistachios

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The role of soil pH in absorbing the required elements pistachio shell of pistachio
Another major factor in nutrient uptake by trees from soil is soil acidity or soil pH. Soil acidity directly affects soil microorganisms as well as the uptake of various nutrients. Soil pH determines which elements are absorbed by the roots and which are not.
At low acidity (acidic pH) elements such as zinc, manganese, aluminum, copper and cobalt are highly absorbable and, conversely, at high pH can not be absorbed by plants. This is what has happened in the soil conditions of pistachio orchards in Kerman province and has caused the lack of microelements to be observed in almost all pistachio orchards due to the high pH of the soil.
Highly alkaline soils of Kerman province have large amounts of bicarbonate ions, which unfortunately have a negative impact on the growth and development of trees and also interfere with the absorption of other elements needed by pistachio trees.
Typically, macronutrients are less absorbed by trees at low pH or less acidic conditions, and conversely, microelements at lower pH or alkaline conditions are less likely to be absorbed by tree roots.
Adding lime to improve soil condition in pistachio orchards is a big mistake that unfortunately some farmers do unknowingly because lime raises the pH of the soil drastically and not only does it not improve soil conditions in pistachio-rich areas. Rather, it greatly increases the alkalinity of the soil.

Pistachio drying operation

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Drying pistachios can be considered as one of the stages of pistachio shell pistachio processing. During this operation, the moisture content of pistachios, which is about 35%, is reduced to less than 5%. Reducing moisture makes pistachios last longer in storage and prevents mold and fungus.
The dried product can be stored under normal conditions for up to a year or more. In fact, we dry the pistachios to increase their shelf life. In fact, all agricultural products are dried in a common process and are similar to each other.

Transfer of pistachio seedlings to the main land

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The place where the seedlings are to be planted should be dug 60 cm pistachio shell deep and 40 cm in diameter and filled with topsoil with manure. Seedlings should be planted in the pit so that the crown (the distance between the root and the stem) is at ground level.
If the crown of the plant sinks into the soil, it may rot or be attacked by fungi that cause crown rot (gum). Even if it is higher than the soil, the parts of the root that have been exposed to the air will be destroyed. After placing the seedlings in the pit, press the soil around the seedlings to place the plant. Seedlings should be irrigated immediately after transplanting.

Recognition of pistachio processing waste materials

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These wastes can include substances that remain pistachio shell next to the peeling wheel after peeling the pistachio seeds when peeling fresh pistachios. These materials mainly include soft bark, clusters and leaves of the tree. These materials are perishable in nature. In such a way that after a few days, they become black, rotten and moldy.
Invasion and concentration of pests can be seen around them, causing widespread environmental pollution. In addition, they are a good substrate for overwintering of Aspergillus spores, which makes it difficult to fight the spread of aflatoxin poisoning, but also helps its development.
Some gardeners unfortunately use these substances as green manure, which they bring aflatoxin to the garden by hand. Aspergillus spores are easily propagated by wind. Therefore, the accumulation of these materials near pistachio orchards or terminals can have a similar effect to importing these materials into orchards.

Factors affecting pistachio flower bud loss

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Identifying the factors affecting the fall of pistachio pistachio shell flower buds
Among the factors affecting the loss of flower buds are the following:
Cultivar: Different cultivars differ in terms of flower bud loss (Esmailpour and Khezri, 2006).
Base: Trees grafted on seed bases have different flower bud drop rates due to genetic differences between stems and Ahmad Aghaei cultivar has high drop (Johnson and Weinbaum, 1987).
Tree load: The highest amount of fruit on the tree is associated with the most fall of flower buds (Castro et al., 1996).
Soil: Differences in soil texture, water and nutrient retention affect growth and yield (Johnson and Weinbaum, 1987).
Leaf area: Flower bud loss increases with decreasing leaf area (Porlingis, 1974).

The effect of sugar and nitrogen stored in trees on tree growth

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In pistachio trees, stored sugars and nitrogen are used along pistachio shell with nutrients made this year to grow the vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant. As a result, seasonal changes in the amount of sugars in different organs are similar to other fruit trees. Reproductive growth is influenced by the pattern of specialized food sources in order to reproduce properly, as in many plant species. Growing pistachios may have the highest nutrient uptake because they had the highest amount of carbon-14 photosynthetic material compared to other organs on the same branch.
The relationship between sugar and reproductive organs of fruit trees
Crane and other elements proved a rapid decrease in total sugar content in the bark and wood of productive trees compared to low yielding trees. Most research on pistachios and other fruit tree species has shown an association between sugar levels and the development of reproductive organs in fruit trees and fruitless trees (fruit removal). Therefore, the high load condition is normal, but the low load condition is created artificially by removing the fruits or flowers of the loaded trees. Most research has been limited to one-year-old wood studies, and sometimes measurements of the movement of stored sugars in other parts of the fruit, especially during high-yield and low-load natural cycles, have been unsuccessful. Knowing the reproductive biology of pistachio and its differences with other species of deciduous fruit trees is very important.

Unveiling of Rafsanjan National Pistachio Registration Stamp

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Unveiling of the national registration stamp of Rafsanjan with pistachio shell the presence of the governor of Rafsanjan
With the presence of national, provincial, city officials and a large number of people in Rafsanjan, the national pistachio celebration ceremony was held and at the same time, the Rafsanjan national pistachio registration stamp was unveiled. At the beginning of the ceremony, Rafsanjan Governor Melanouri welcomed the guests who attended the ceremony from 20 provinces and congratulated the people of Rafsanjan, especially hardworking farmers, on the days of pistachio harvest, stating some reasons for the national registration of pistachios: This valuable product was produced in Rafsanjan and this city is still a pioneer in the production of this product.

Raw pistachios and its applications

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Raw pistachios are much more useful than salted pistachios, pistachio shell because they are used in sweets, chocolates and other food products, but salted pistachios are only for nuts. Pistachio oil is also used in cosmetics.
Advantages of raw pistachios over salted (roasted) pistachios
Pistachio is a very tasty and nutritious fruit that has vitamins and elements needed by the body. One of these elements is iron, which is found in abundance in pistachios. Pistachio also has anti-cancer properties. Pistachios are consumed in two ways: one is raw and the other is roasted and has different flavors (saffron, pepper and…).

The usefulness of regular consumption of pistachios for diabetics

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Pistachio; Nuts that are very useful for type 2 pistachio shell diabetics
A 2015 study published at the University of Pennsylvania found that daily consumption of pistachios had an effect on fat, blood sugar control, inflammation and circulation indices in adults with type 2 diabetes. Pistachio consumption was such that it was 20% of daily calories.
The results showed that although the pistachio diet did not appear to control blood sugar, it had a positive effect on total cholesterol control; It has a ratio of cholesterol and triglycerides. Having diabetes puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke. For type 2 diabetics looking to improve their heart rate, eating pistachios regularly as part of a healthy diet can help ward off serious heart problems.