The effect of sugar and nitrogen stored in trees on tree growth

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In pistachio trees, stored sugars and nitrogen are used along pistachio shell with nutrients made this year to grow the vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant. As a result, seasonal changes in the amount of sugars in different organs are similar to other fruit trees. Reproductive growth is influenced by the pattern of specialized food sources in order to reproduce properly, as in many plant species. Growing pistachios may have the highest nutrient uptake because they had the highest amount of carbon-14 photosynthetic material compared to other organs on the same branch.
The relationship between sugar and reproductive organs of fruit trees
Crane and other elements proved a rapid decrease in total sugar content in the bark and wood of productive trees compared to low yielding trees. Most research on pistachios and other fruit tree species has shown an association between sugar levels and the development of reproductive organs in fruit trees and fruitless trees (fruit removal). Therefore, the high load condition is normal, but the low load condition is created artificially by removing the fruits or flowers of the loaded trees. Most research has been limited to one-year-old wood studies, and sometimes measurements of the movement of stored sugars in other parts of the fruit, especially during high-yield and low-load natural cycles, have been unsuccessful. Knowing the reproductive biology of pistachio and its differences with other species of deciduous fruit trees is very important.
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