شنبه ۱۴ اسفند ۰۰ | ۱۰:۳۳ ۲۴ بازديد
In orchards where bone marrow spotting has been observed in previous years, pistachio shell spraying calcium chelate with a concentration of 500 to 750 cc per thousand liters of water in the third decade of April is effective to eliminate and reduce the damage of the complication. The best time to start nutrient spraying is May 1st.
At this time, the leaf surface is large enough and its permeability is relatively fast and convenient. For foliar application, try fertilizers that combine two or three samples to cover all the tree needs for macro and micro elements.
For best results, the first spraying should be repeated at intervals of two to three weeks. In June, before fertilization, it is recommended to apply a second dose of nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 175 kg / ha, ammonium sulfate, or 150 kg of urea for sweet soils. Before brainwashing, foliar application of potassium chelate and urea is effective in preventing burns and osteoporosis.