The role of soil pH in absorbing the required elements of pistachios

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The role of soil pH in absorbing the required elements pistachio shell of pistachio
Another major factor in nutrient uptake by trees from soil is soil acidity or soil pH. Soil acidity directly affects soil microorganisms as well as the uptake of various nutrients. Soil pH determines which elements are absorbed by the roots and which are not.
At low acidity (acidic pH) elements such as zinc, manganese, aluminum, copper and cobalt are highly absorbable and, conversely, at high pH can not be absorbed by plants. This is what has happened in the soil conditions of pistachio orchards in Kerman province and has caused the lack of microelements to be observed in almost all pistachio orchards due to the high pH of the soil.
Highly alkaline soils of Kerman province have large amounts of bicarbonate ions, which unfortunately have a negative impact on the growth and development of trees and also interfere with the absorption of other elements needed by pistachio trees.
Typically, macronutrients are less absorbed by trees at low pH or less acidic conditions, and conversely, microelements at lower pH or alkaline conditions are less likely to be absorbed by tree roots.
Adding lime to improve soil condition in pistachio orchards is a big mistake that unfortunately some farmers do unknowingly because lime raises the pH of the soil drastically and not only does it not improve soil conditions in pistachio-rich areas. Rather, it greatly increases the alkalinity of the soil.
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