Executive tips after pistachio harvest

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Executive tips after pistachio harvest

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Many pistachio growers pistachio shell after the harvest and with the onset of autumn and winter, cut down the care of gardens and maintenance measures until the beginning of spring or by performing additional operations will cause damage to their garden. It is interesting to know that many of the problems that exist in a pistachio orchard are related to the lack of proper management of the pistachio orchard after harvest. Due to the variety of seasons, management is different in each season.
In this article, we have studied the post-harvest operations in pistachio orchards in detail. Take a few minutes to read this article so that you do not face any problems in managing your garden in the future. In this way, we are with you in Diane training team to achieve the best result based on the conditions of your garden.
In this article, we have gathered the experiences of experienced and knowledgeable gardeners for you.
Irrigation after pistachio harvest
Irrigation after pistachio harvest if not done will reduce the flower buds of next year pistachios. The next year's flower bud changes in pistachios continue after harvest, and therefore post-harvest irrigation of pistachios is very important. After harvest, to prevent stress to the tree and improve nutrient uptake in the fall, pistachio irrigation should be done after harvest, but then watering is stopped to reduce the vegetative growth of the tree at the same time as the leaves fall. But note that after the complete fall of the leaves and the beginning of pistachio dormancy (in autumn and winter), pistachio trees need sufficient moisture in the soil. Dear gardeners, note that sufficient moisture does not mean heavy irrigation after pistachio harvest. One of the common mistakes of gardeners is heavy irrigation in winter, which increases root and crown rot diseases. Light irrigation should be done if there is no rain and snow so that the soil does not dry out.
Read also about irrigating pistachios in autumn and winter
3. Feeding and fertilizer after pistachio harvest
Lack of nutrition and fertilization after pistachio harvest causes the next year's flower buds to fall or weaken and the tree to grow poorly. Fruit set is done as foliar feeding and fertilizer mixing with soil is done as root feeding after pistachio harvest.
Fruit set after pistachio harvest:
One of the most important nutritional stages in pistachio orchards is post-harvest fruit set. After harvesting pistachios, the leaves of the trees are still green, and this indicates the activity of the leaves after harvesting the fruit. The greenness of the leaves after harvest means the transfer of nutrients from the leaves to the buds and roots. Therefore, with fruit set after harvest, we can help strengthen the buds. When to set fruit? What fertilizers should we use for fruit set? Is spring fruit set better or autumn fruit set? Read the answers to these questions in the article "Fruit set of fruit trees after harvest".
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