مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Professor Gershman's theory of the pistachio tree

۱۵ بازديد
Professor Girshman believes that the first pistachio trees were taken to pistachio shell Aleppo during the Achaemenid era. In fact, he implicitly traces the history of growing pistachio trees on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean to that time. A Tunisian scientist on how pistachio trees and some Iranian plants were transported to the African coast of the Mediterranean says that Iranian ships arrived in Tunisia in two eras:
Takht in the time of the Phoenicians, who brought it and apples and vegetables to Tunisia. The second in the era of the Mahalabi (a dynasty that came to power in 156 AH) and Aghlabeh (another dynasty that began in 185 AH), which for the first time in the history of the Mediterranean coastal cities of citrus (ie orange and lemon) entered the region. شد. Also, cherries and forest fruit trees such as walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and chestnuts are from Iran.

Prevention and control of pistachio storage pests

۱۸ بازديد
Proper storage of pistachios in warehouses requires the pistachio shell following points:
Avoid storing unripe pistachios separately, because in storage conditions, such pistachios rot quickly and are attacked by molds or fungi, and infection and contamination wastes the entire crop.
Pistachio warehouses should be constructed in locations away from lateral moisture as well as contaminated sources and moisture. In the construction of this warehouse, safety, health and technical points must be observed in all aspects. And be ventilated in terms of humidity.
The ventilation device should be equipped with a net and a safety window to prevent the entry of any pests and insects, and the safety windows can be closed during disinfection. The walls should not have any holes, and the warehouse should be disinfected at each time of emptying the pistachio crop. Disinfection of warehouses is usually done with special disinfectant incense.

Different cultivars of pistachios from the point of view of an American expert

۱۶ بازديد
Bombauer describes different pistachio cultivars in Iran in pistachio shell his report, which is quoted here in terms of its importance and relative antiquity.
1. Recognition of red pistachio cultivar
Pistachio, which has been more popular in the past, is a low and irregular crop of this variety. For this reason, the trees that were fertile with this graft are often either cut down or grafted with the Ouhadi variety, etc.
2. Recognition of Ebrahimi pistachio
(Name of a pistachio producer) This variety has been known for some time, but recently, due to the quality of its crop, this cultivar has developed a lot.
3. Recognition of Mumtaz cultivar pistachio
(Sometimes referred to as smiling) It has been planted experimentally in several places. It has large clusters. If untimely (late) frosts do not occur, it will produce every year.
In this case, it will be empty (hollow) seeds. Lack of nutrients and water or lack of suitable pollen may cause the seeds to be empty (and by providing them, this deficiency of pistachio seeds can be eliminated). The seeds of the preferred cultivar 22 to 23 are on average one ounce.
4. Recognition of pistachio cultivar Ouhadi
This variety has been developed in the last twenty years in terms of its importance and quality (ie from around 1313 AD) and if the frost does not interfere, the wind will yield every year. The seeds of this cultivar grow on large clusters. Due to the fact that it blooms relatively late, it is somewhat safe from the ice line.
The movement of the brain is favorable and the proportion of smiling seeds is high. In areas with poor soils and low water supply, the grain size will be reduced by half and will be about 40 grains per ounce.
The need for this cultivar for nutrients (animal manure, green manure, saline soil) is more than other cultivars. The seeds of this variety open their mouths when roasting (or roasting). Some do not find this feature interesting in terms of sales. This variety takes its name from the first person to plant it.
5. Recognition of green pistachio cultivar
It is planted in Nogh (Nogh is a complex of 72 settlements and is located 54 km northwest of Rafsanjan). It is a variety with a green shell that grows on large clusters. Its green color gradually disappears with the arrival of the product.
6. Recognition of white pistachio cultivar
(From Nogh products) The shell and skin of this variety are both slightly colored. Most pistachios exported to the United States are of this figure. Because it seems that the nutritional needs (water and fertilizer) of this cultivar are lower than other cultivars and its yield is good, its planting has become common for some time. Each ounce is an average of 22 to 26 seeds, and this is a size that is often noticed and liked by Americans.
7. Recognition of pistachio cultivar Shasti
This variety has been common in Rafsanjan for some time, but has recently been named after it, especially in the northern areas of Rafsanjan, around 10 Fakhrabad (9 km northwest of Rafsanjan) grows well. At present, its experimental planting in Nogh and other areas is under consideration. Its grain shape, as its name suggests, resembles a human thumb.
8. Recognition of single digit pistachio
This cultivar is the largest local variety ever identified; So that each ounce is 18 grains, this figure has the best prices in the Tehran market, but unfortunately its yield is low, and if there is little fertilizer and water, a large number of grains will be empty or hollow.

Initial export of pistachios between Russia and Iran

۱۶ بازديد
Iran's pistachio and dried fruit exports have not been better pistachio shell on the Russian-Iranian border. Pursuant to Article 4 of the Trade and Customs Agreement, which was concluded between Russia and Iran on February 23, 1828 (March 25, 1207) in pursuance of the infamous Turkmen Chai Treaty, customs duties were set at 5% of the price, resulting in the conclusion of this treaty and The treaty between Iran and Britain in 1841 lost Iran's customs independence.
On October 27, 1902, a customs declaration was signed between Iran and Russia, which increased Russian customs duties on Iranian exports. But customs duties on goods imported from Russia were greatly reduced.
Analyzing the agricultural, economic, and foreign trade situation in Iran in 1906, Dr. Wishard, an American physician, writes in his report entitled Twenty Years in Iran: "No one can claim that Americans are greedy for trade with Iran. Russia's $ 16,714,716, Great Britain's $ 69,389,109, India's $ 3586,372, France's $ 1682418, Austria's $ 1137178, Germany $ 573620, China's $ 186 to China $ 13775 It belongs to America.

Rooting and growth habit of pistachio tree

۱۷ بازديد
The rooting of the pistachio tree is axial and vertical and it pistachio shell goes deeper than two meters into the soil. Deep rooting system enables the tree to penetrate deep into the soil and feed well on the water and materials in it, and therefore pistachio trees are able to adapt to long periods of drought. The production capacity of the sub-root in the pistachio tree is very weak and whenever the end of the main root is cut, the tree dries up and dies.
The seedling stage of the pistachio tree is long. Before the age of 5, trees produce little fruit, and from the age of ten to twelve, the full and economical fruiting of the tree begins.
The pistachio tree is accustomed to general growth, so that the rapid growth of terminal buds prevents the growth of lateral buds in older trees. These characteristics have a great impact on how to grow young seedlings, pruning mature trees and rejuvenating old trees.

Recognition of substandard pistachios (empty and unsmiling pistachios)

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An introduction to recognizing empty and unsmiling pistachio shell pistachios
Pistachio fruits have a kernel that is located in a hard and thin skin (inside) and is surrounded by a soft and fleshy skin (outside and short). The fruit arises from the female growth of simple flowers. The female has an ovary at the base. The wall of the ovary is made up of fruit, including green skin and bony skin.
There is an egg inside the ovary. An egg has a female cell (egg) that will turn into an edible brain. The ovary has a three-part cream, each of which ends in a stigma. When the flowers open, the surface of the stigmas is ready to accept pollen grains. Fruiting occurs after successful pollination.
Pollen is released from flowers on male trees and carried by air to female stigmas. When the pollen grains are placed on the surface of the stigma, they germinate and turn into pollen tubes. The pollen tube is an elongated cell that travels through the stigma and cream tissue to the ovary and into the egg.
Many pollen grains germinate and grow in the middle of the cream, but only one of them reaches the egg. Many pollen grains germinate and grow in the middle of the cream, but only one of them reaches the egg. The pollen tube enters the egg and releases its contents. Fertilization is due to the fusion of a male reproductive cell with an egg cell.

Results from the installation of pheromone traps and the use of carmakil in pistachio orchards

۲۰ بازديد
The means obtained were compared by Duncan's multiple range test. pistachio shell Curves and graphs were drawn using Sigmaplot 12.0 software. The results of installing pheromone traps and using carmakil in pistachio orchards showed that it is possible to use these methods to reduce the population of pistachio wood-eating butterflies in pistachio orchards in the region. And disappears.
Result of analysis of variance and statistical calculations between treatments using carmicill alone (capture and killing method), use of pheromone trap alone (mass hunting method), use of carmicillin and pheromone trap together and control (no use of pheromone trap and carmacillus In the garden as an independent factor and the percentage of infection as a dependent variable showed that there was a significant difference between the percentage of infection (P <0.01).
The highest percentage of infection was observed in the control treatment and the lowest in the treatments of using carmakil alone (method of capture and killing), use of pheromone trap alone (mass hunting method) and treatment of using carmakil and pheromone trap together. In the present study, the mean contamination in pheromone trap treatment alone, trap and carmacillus treatment together and carmacillus treatment were 2.75 ۶ 0.006, 0.93 ۰ 0.066 and 0.80 ۰ 0.08, respectively, and in the control treatment 15.67 ۵ 5.5 percent was calculated.

Visible time complication of pistachio bone skin spot

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He said: "From the time of fruit formation to the ripening and pistachio shell harvest of the crop, this complication is visible and the most damage and symptoms are observed from late April to late May." Hashemi Rad added: "At this stage of growth, the pistachio tree needs a lot of calcium to form bone skin, and any factor that reduces the calcium in pistachio fruit, leads to the destruction and destruction of bone skin."
Hashemi Rad described the most important symptom of this complication as the destruction of all fruits from the top to the base and specified: The fetuses of the fruits that have been affected by this complication are completely healthy. If in old age the fetus is damaged first and brown spots are observed on it.
Also, in the early stages of bone destruction due to calcium deficiency, the appearance of the superficial skin is healthy, but under the skin it is completely rotten and black. Eventually, the pistachio fruit turns completely black, which is called burning. No fungal, bacterial or viral agents or pests have been isolated from this complication.

Visible time complication of pistachio bony skin spot

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He said: "From the time of fruit formation to the ripening and pistachio shell harvest of the crop, this complication is visible and the most damage and symptoms are observed from late April to late May." Hashemi Rad added: "At this stage of growth, the pistachio tree needs a lot of calcium to form bone skin, and any factor that reduces the calcium in pistachio fruit, leads to the destruction and destruction of bone skin."
Hashemi Rad described the most important symptom of this complication as the destruction of all fruits from the top to the base and specified: The fetuses of the fruits that have been affected by this complication are completely healthy. If in old age the fetus is damaged first and brown spots are observed on it.
Also, in the early stages of bone destruction due to calcium deficiency, the appearance of the superficial skin is healthy, but under the skin it is completely rotten and black. Eventually, the pistachio fruit turns completely black, which is called burning. No fungal, bacterial or viral agents or pests have been isolated from this complication.

Irrigation method of pistachio trees

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Due to the importance of early smile in the production of pistachio shell aflatoxin-contaminated pistachios and the role of irrigation in causing this complication, it is absolutely necessary to observe the correct amount and frequency of irrigation in the pistachio orchard according to the conditions of the region.
Research shows that inadequate irrigation in late spring increases the number of early-smiling pistachios. For example, omitting an irrigation session in early June, which is a time of rapid increase in pistachio size and hardening of bony skin, increases the percentage of early-smiling pistachios.
Irrigation stress in the stage of formation and hardening of bony skin seems to reduce the strength of bony skin at the site of laughter, and in the final stage of growth, the pressure of the brain on them causes them to split and smile prematurely. At this stage, the green skin is still attached to the bony skin and cracks in the smiling area.
Irrigation fluctuations have a great effect on the formation of early smiling pistachios and the possibility of their contamination with aflatoxin-producing insects and fungi. Therefore, one of the ways to reduce early smiling pistachios and thus reduce aflatoxin contamination is to perform regular irrigation operations.