Rooting and growth habit of pistachio tree

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Rooting and growth habit of pistachio tree

۱۷ بازديد
The rooting of the pistachio tree is axial and vertical and it pistachio shell goes deeper than two meters into the soil. Deep rooting system enables the tree to penetrate deep into the soil and feed well on the water and materials in it, and therefore pistachio trees are able to adapt to long periods of drought. The production capacity of the sub-root in the pistachio tree is very weak and whenever the end of the main root is cut, the tree dries up and dies.
The seedling stage of the pistachio tree is long. Before the age of 5, trees produce little fruit, and from the age of ten to twelve, the full and economical fruiting of the tree begins.
The pistachio tree is accustomed to general growth, so that the rapid growth of terminal buds prevents the growth of lateral buds in older trees. These characteristics have a great impact on how to grow young seedlings, pruning mature trees and rejuvenating old trees.
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