Recognition of substandard pistachios (empty and unsmiling pistachios)

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An introduction to recognizing empty and unsmiling pistachio shell pistachios
Pistachio fruits have a kernel that is located in a hard and thin skin (inside) and is surrounded by a soft and fleshy skin (outside and short). The fruit arises from the female growth of simple flowers. The female has an ovary at the base. The wall of the ovary is made up of fruit, including green skin and bony skin.
There is an egg inside the ovary. An egg has a female cell (egg) that will turn into an edible brain. The ovary has a three-part cream, each of which ends in a stigma. When the flowers open, the surface of the stigmas is ready to accept pollen grains. Fruiting occurs after successful pollination.
Pollen is released from flowers on male trees and carried by air to female stigmas. When the pollen grains are placed on the surface of the stigma, they germinate and turn into pollen tubes. The pollen tube is an elongated cell that travels through the stigma and cream tissue to the ovary and into the egg.
Many pollen grains germinate and grow in the middle of the cream, but only one of them reaches the egg. Many pollen grains germinate and grow in the middle of the cream, but only one of them reaches the egg. The pollen tube enters the egg and releases its contents. Fertilization is due to the fusion of a male reproductive cell with an egg cell.
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