مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Properties of pistachios during pregnancy and lactation

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During pregnancy, the body's need for nutrients doubles. pistachio shell One of the substances that the body will need a lot is protein. In this fruit, the amount of protein is very high. This nutrient is one of the main substances for the growth of muscles and tissues of the fetus. Even during breastfeeding, if there is no problem, the consumption of these nuts is highly recommended.
Properties of pistachios; For pregnancy, but not limited to:
Increases good cholesterol in pregnant and lactating women.
It is very useful in controlling maternal body fat.
Reduces and eliminates infectious problems. (Due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins A and E)
The fiber in it is also highly recommended to reduce constipation.
Benefits of pistachios for children:
Pistachios can play an essential role in this because children are growing and need nutrients to strengthen their strength. This product, in any form, whether raw, dry, mixed with milk or in any other way, can be very special for this age group.
Among the properties of pistachios for children, the following can be mentioned:
Improves growth, strengthens bones and teeth, due to the presence of calcium in pistachio kernels
Eliminate anemia and improve iron deficiency
Brain growth and increase intelligence and memory, with the help of omega-3's
Strengthen the immune system in children, thanks to vitamin B6
Note, however, that to maximize the absorption of iron in these nuts, it should usually be consumed with other foods that contain iron.
Slimming and fitness to enjoy the properties of pistachios:
You probably do not believe that this product with high amounts of fat and nutrients, can help you lose weight. But the fact is that this product, thanks to its high fiber content, will bring fitness.
The properties of pistachio for weight loss can be enumerated in several ways:
First of all, with its high fiber content, it helps to improve digestion in the body, purify the blood and eliminate constipation.
In addition, the same fiber can keep you full for longer and prevent false appetite.
The protein in it also increases metabolism.
Of course, all of these will only lead to weight loss thanks to a healthy diet.

most important properties and benefits of pistachios

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8. Diabetes control:
Pistachios contain pistachio shell antioxidants, which help reduce the process of glycation (sugaring) and control diabetes, and can also balance blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
9. Anti-inflammatory properties:
The content of vitamin E and anti-inflammatory agents in pistachios can help reduce inflammation in any part of the body.
10. Protection of neurons and nerves:
Pistachios contain high amounts of vitamin B6. Which helps make essential amino acids, which are very good for the heart and arteries. That is why these nuts play a very important role in maintaining the body's nervous system.
11. Strengthen the immune system:
Pistachios, due to their rich source of vitamin B6, can improve the immune system. They strengthen the immune system and are effective in preventing various infections and cancers.
Properties of pistachio green skin
Therapeutic and medicinal properties of pistachios
Properties of pistachio for hair:
Pistachio has several benefits for hair. Here are some examples for you.
12. Stimulate hair growth:
Pistachios stimulate the growth of healthy hair due to the presence of fatty acids.
13. Hair strengthening:
Pistachio is a wonderful treatment for strengthening and healing hair.
14. Increase hair flexibility:
Using pistachio hair mask can nourish the hair and moisturize the hair. In general, it improves hair texture. It is also very suitable for damaged and dry hair.
15. Hair loss treatment:
Pistachios contain a lot of biotin. Daily consumption of these nuts effectively affects hair loss.
Properties of white pistachio skin
Properties of pistachios for treating hair loss
Properties of pistachio for skin:
Pistachios are also very useful for the skin, and in this section of Namnak, we have brought you some examples of them:

Symptoms of pistachio gum disease

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Symptoms of crown and root rot of pistachios in the garden pistachio shell are varied and green as the trees dry out, reduced leaf cover and chlorosis and necrosis of leaves. The discoloration and yellowing of the leaves starts from the end of the leaf and after a while it covers the entire surface of the leaf and causes the leaves to deform and fall off. Finally, as the disease progresses, the fungus that causes the disease causes the tree to dry out.
Trees in infected orchards may show different symptoms; in trees grafted on sensitive rootstocks, the symptoms are green drying of the whole tree. However, in trees that are highly resistant to the disease, the symptoms are observed in the form of reduced leaf cover, branch dryness, reduced yield, leaf deformation and gradual death of the tree.

Integrated management is the best strategy in controlling pistachio wood-eating moth

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Experience has shown that applying a set of control pistachio shell methods in the form of a program instead of using a specific method (such as spraying) can reduce the damage of any pest more effectively.
Methods of reducing the population of pistachio wood-eating moth
Mechanical and garden control
In infected orchards, pruning the dried branches in the winter and removing them from the field can effectively reduce the population of whole larvae within the branches.
Also, in limited areas, the cocoons formed on the branches can be mechanically separated from the branches at the end of March.
These cocoons should be removed from the garden surface after collection. Doing so will never be enough to reduce pest damage, and chemical control in orchards with contamination is strongly recommended.
Trace-based chemical control
The effectiveness of chemical control of this pest depends on two important factors, including the effectiveness of the toxin and the exact time of spraying.
Regarding the choice of pesticides, due to the non-standard nature of some chemical pesticides on the market, consulting with agricultural experts can help gardeners in choosing the most effective pesticide.
Regarding the time of spraying, it should be kept in mind that because the larvae of the pest feed on the inside of the axis of the cluster or branch after hatching, they can not be destroyed by spraying after entering the axis of the cluster and branch.
Therefore, determining the exact time of spraying before the larvae enter the depth of plant tissue has a significant effect on its effectiveness. For this purpose, with the help of local phytosanitary experts and with the help of pheromone traps, the exact time of chemical control can be determined.

Understanding the characteristics of agricultural gypsum

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Gypsum used in agriculture should be sweet, free of gravel and free of pistachio shell soluble magnesium. The plaster is sprinkled on the surface of the soil in the form of two-meter strips on each side from the place of the tree trunk. After giving the plaster to the garden, if possible, it is better to irrigate the tilled garden heavily.
Gypsum must play a soluble form to play its role and penetrate to the maximum depth of the soil with irrigation water. Fertilization operations that should be done in autumn (or winter) are digging a manure channel to a depth of 60-50 cm on one side of the tree row and giving animal manure inside the manure channel and adding potassium and phosphorus fertilizers to the animal manure.

Root rot of pistachio trees

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Complication of root rot of pistachio pistachio shell trees
Crown and root phytophthora rot is prevalent in most fruit-bearing countries of the world in orchards, kernels of dried fruits, especially pistachios, walnuts and almonds, and causes great damage to them.
Symptoms on the aerial parts are general weakness and deciduous trees and the appearance of mild yellowing on the leaves. The skin of the crown and sometimes part of the trunk cracks. The tissue under the skin of the trunk at the location of the canker turns blackish brown. Dark-colored main and secondary roots later turn black due to the activity of other microorganisms. Sick trees may dry out.
Fighting the root rot of pistachio trees
The measures that are effective in controlling the disease can be summarized as follows:
Minimize the duration of garden soil saturation, especially near the root system.
Construction of gardens on lands without drainage, as well as drainage and ventilation of drainage and wet soils of constructed gardens.
Planting trees on the soil of low ridges so that when irrigating, water surrounds the trunk and crown of the trees.
Use of tolerant rootstocks in grafted trees.
The use of systemic fungicides, such as fusetyl aluminum, is somewhat effective in preventing and controlling the disease in diseased trees. Destroys. For this purpose, about 120 grams of 15% fossil aluminum granules can be sprayed in a radius of 1.5 meters around the trunk of each tree and plowed with a shovel to transfer the poison granules to the soil and then irrigate the treated trees. Alite treatment of trees should be repeated 4 times a year, 3 times in spring at intervals of one month and the fourth time in autumn.
Shaving the rotten and infected parts of the trunk, crown and roots and destroying the shaved remnants and coating the shaved areas with a thick liquid containing powder and board 80% alite, talc powder and water, preventing flooding and wetting of the infected parts Reduces the development of disease in diseased trees and delays their death.

Fighting the root rot of pistachio trees

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The measures that are effective in controlling the pistachio shell disease can be summarized as follows:
Minimize the duration of garden soil saturation, especially near the root system.
Construction of gardens on lands without drainage, as well as drainage and ventilation of drainage and wet soils of constructed gardens.
Planting trees on the soil of low ridges so that when irrigating, water surrounds the trunk and crown of the trees.
Use of tolerant rootstocks in grafted trees.
The use of systemic fungicides, such as fusetyl aluminum, is somewhat effective in preventing and controlling the disease in diseased trees. Destroys. For this purpose, about 120 grams of 15% fossil aluminum granules can be sprayed in a radius of 1.5 meters around the trunk of each tree and plowed with a shovel to transfer the poison granules to the soil and then irrigate the treated trees. Alite treatment of trees should be repeated 4 times a year, 3 times in spring at intervals of one month and the fourth time in autumn.
Shaving the rotten and infected parts of the trunk, crown and roots and destroying the shaved remnants and coating the shaved areas with a thick liquid containing powder and board 80% alite, talc powder and water, preventing flooding and wetting of the infected parts Reduces the development of disease in diseased trees and delays their death.

Stories and pistachios are a cultural movement in opposition to the agricultural industry

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The Story and Pistachio Festival, which is supposed to collect pistachio shell the indigenous stories of the pistachio-rich cities of the country with its theme, is a new step in a different cognitive direction for the pistachio industry. And this festival is a new way to meet people who have long been involved in the local pistachio industry.
The other part of the festival is the free part, the theme of which is public and participants can send their works to the festival without any restrictions.
The judging team of the Story and Pistachio Festival is composed of three prominent writers of the country, which shows the importance of this festival for Rafsanjan. Mr. Mohammad Sharifi Nematabad from Rafsanjan, Mr. Ali Khodaei from Isfahan and Ms. Belqis Soleimani from Kerman are the members of this refereeing team.
Festival Awards:
First prize: exquisite statue of the festival, a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize of one million tomans.
Second prize: a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize of 700,000 Tomans.
Third person prize: a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize of 500,000 Tomans.
Top seven works up to the tenth rank: a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize of 100,000 Tomans.
The very exquisite awards of this festival also emphasize the importance of this festival.
How to send works:
To send the works, you must refer to the official site of the Story and Pistachio Festival. It should be mentioned that the link of the Story and Pistachio site is permanently available in the Rafsanjan Pistachio site.a

Pruning operations of pistachio trees

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Contract workers labor manually pruning pistachio pistachio shell trees during the dormant season, usually in December (December) or January (January). Pruning is done on tall one-year-old branches along with sparse pruning on older branches. The goal is to better distribute the fruit buds and direct enough light to the leaves.
Pruning is done manually and the waste is poured on the garden surface. These wastes are then added to the soil for direct drainage improvement.

Pruning operations of pistachio trees

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Pruning operations of pistachio pistachio shell trees
Contract labor is manually pruned by pistachio trees during the dormant season, usually in December (December) or January (January). Pruning is done on tall one-year-old branches along with sparse pruning on older branches. The goal is to better distribute the fruit buds and direct enough light to the leaves.
Pruning is done manually and the waste is poured on the garden surface. These wastes are then added to the soil for direct drainage improvement.