Understanding the characteristics of agricultural gypsum

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Understanding the characteristics of agricultural gypsum

۱۶ بازديد
Gypsum used in agriculture should be sweet, free of gravel and free of pistachio shell soluble magnesium. The plaster is sprinkled on the surface of the soil in the form of two-meter strips on each side from the place of the tree trunk. After giving the plaster to the garden, if possible, it is better to irrigate the tilled garden heavily.
Gypsum must play a soluble form to play its role and penetrate to the maximum depth of the soil with irrigation water. Fertilization operations that should be done in autumn (or winter) are digging a manure channel to a depth of 60-50 cm on one side of the tree row and giving animal manure inside the manure channel and adding potassium and phosphorus fertilizers to the animal manure.
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