Symptoms of pistachio gum disease

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Symptoms of pistachio gum disease

۱۴ بازديد
Symptoms of crown and root rot of pistachios in the garden pistachio shell are varied and green as the trees dry out, reduced leaf cover and chlorosis and necrosis of leaves. The discoloration and yellowing of the leaves starts from the end of the leaf and after a while it covers the entire surface of the leaf and causes the leaves to deform and fall off. Finally, as the disease progresses, the fungus that causes the disease causes the tree to dry out.
Trees in infected orchards may show different symptoms; in trees grafted on sensitive rootstocks, the symptoms are green drying of the whole tree. However, in trees that are highly resistant to the disease, the symptoms are observed in the form of reduced leaf cover, branch dryness, reduced yield, leaf deformation and gradual death of the tree.
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