Properties of pistachios during pregnancy and lactation

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Properties of pistachios during pregnancy and lactation

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During pregnancy, the body's need for nutrients doubles. pistachio shell One of the substances that the body will need a lot is protein. In this fruit, the amount of protein is very high. This nutrient is one of the main substances for the growth of muscles and tissues of the fetus. Even during breastfeeding, if there is no problem, the consumption of these nuts is highly recommended.
Properties of pistachios; For pregnancy, but not limited to:
Increases good cholesterol in pregnant and lactating women.
It is very useful in controlling maternal body fat.
Reduces and eliminates infectious problems. (Due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins A and E)
The fiber in it is also highly recommended to reduce constipation.
Benefits of pistachios for children:
Pistachios can play an essential role in this because children are growing and need nutrients to strengthen their strength. This product, in any form, whether raw, dry, mixed with milk or in any other way, can be very special for this age group.
Among the properties of pistachios for children, the following can be mentioned:
Improves growth, strengthens bones and teeth, due to the presence of calcium in pistachio kernels
Eliminate anemia and improve iron deficiency
Brain growth and increase intelligence and memory, with the help of omega-3's
Strengthen the immune system in children, thanks to vitamin B6
Note, however, that to maximize the absorption of iron in these nuts, it should usually be consumed with other foods that contain iron.
Slimming and fitness to enjoy the properties of pistachios:
You probably do not believe that this product with high amounts of fat and nutrients, can help you lose weight. But the fact is that this product, thanks to its high fiber content, will bring fitness.
The properties of pistachio for weight loss can be enumerated in several ways:
First of all, with its high fiber content, it helps to improve digestion in the body, purify the blood and eliminate constipation.
In addition, the same fiber can keep you full for longer and prevent false appetite.
The protein in it also increases metabolism.
Of course, all of these will only lead to weight loss thanks to a healthy diet.
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