مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Pistachio harvest

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So far, we have raised some pistachio shell points about pistachio cultivation. Pistachio cultivation is very prosperous in Iran; But the harvest stage is also an important stage. First of all, note that every year, the number of fruits of pistachio trees will be different. That is, one year will produce less and the next year will produce more. The best time to harvest pistachios is when the color of the shells changes from green to yellow.
When you see these signs, you must pick up the product. Because if you procrastinate; They may be attacked by pests. Also be sure to do pruning when the tree is dormant. Read about pest control methods.
Important points about pistachio harvest
The last word
Planting pistachios in Iran is one of the good and profitable ideas to earn money. But note that pistachio seedlings do not grow everywhere and under any conditions. First you need to make sure that the area you have chosen; Is it suitable for growing pistachios or not? Finally, it is important to pay attention to the water and minerals that the seedlings need.
You should also think in advance about the diseases that may threaten the seedlings and find a cure for them. In general, the use of seedlings for pistachio cultivation is more recommended. Have you ever grown pistachios? What do you think is the best way to plant pistachios? What other points should be considered when planting pistachios at home? Please share your comments with us.

How to salt raw pistachios

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Salting and roasting pistachios is pistachio shell a trick to make pistachios delicious and flavorful. Salted pistachios are mostly used in nuts and are not used in sweets and food products. Fewer people today use traditional methods to salt pistachios, and industrial methods have replaced traditional methods that have made things easier for everyone. In this article, we will talk about the method of salting pistachios.
Traditional methods were a completely natural method, but today everything is different, the colors and flavors that are added to the nuts are not natural. Of course, there are always and everywhere profiteers in every guild. Sometimes, these same profiteers salt low-quality pistachios and offer them to the market. It is better if you can do it yourself at home.
If salting and roasting pistachios is done quickly and at high temperatures, the medicinal properties and nutritional value of pistachios will decrease, and because high temperatures cause the loss of antioxidants and essential amino acids, it is better not to rush when salting pistachios. Use lower temperatures and longer times to preserve the properties of pistachios. Salted pistachios are easy to digest and are famous for their properties and generality.
Methods of salting pistachios at home
The first method
Salting pistachios at home is such that first soak the pistachios in water for one to two hours, then pour it into a strainer to completely drain the water.
Add the desired amount of salt to it and pour it into a bowl and stir it gently with a gentle heat to dry the water. If there is moisture in the salted pistachios, the pistachios should be poured into a container to dry in the open air.
Of course, to flavor pistachios, you can also use lemon juice or juice and angelica. One of the advantages of salting pistachios at home is that you can use any flavor more or less depending on your taste. When pistachios are salted and marketed, 90% of it is for use in nuts and is packaged or in bulk in public markets.
The second method
In this method, after pouring the pistachios in a frying pan on a gentle heat, stir the pistachios regularly to darken the color a little, and when you feel the smell and taste change, pour some salt water on it, but you can use flavored ingredients. Use pistachios and continue to stir until the water is completely gone and dry.

Characteristic of high quality pistachios

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When we decide to buy a product, we pistachio shell have the right to expect the desired quality and in proportion to our needs and demands. The same goes for buying pistachios. Although some companies or nuts stores offer their products with lower quality with various tricks, but knowing the characteristics of high quality pistachios, you can buy high quality products. Pistachios are mostly sold with their outer shells, but in general pistachio kernels are also available in the market. If you make pistachios with skin, it is better to look for spotless shells that have a slit at one end. Avoid buying pistachios whose mouths are too cracked.
must read:
The best nuts for anemia: Treat iron deficiency by consuming these 10 nuts + photos
In addition, pistachios that do not have a fully open slit, in addition to being difficult to peel, are also unripe. Pistachio kernels should be yellow or dark green, and the greener the pistachios you buy, the better the taste. When buying raw pistachios, you should be careful that the pistachios do not smell stale and old. Of course, since the quality of raw pistachios is easily recognizable, they are usually provided with good quality and are a good option to buy that you can roast, roast and flavor them yourself.
How to distinguish good quality pistachios from bad quality pistachios
There are different types of pistachios in Iran, each of which can be distinguished by its own appearance. Pistachio is a delicious and expensive nut that can be used to make mixed nuts. Despite the variety among Iranian and foreign pistachios, the type of pistachio may not be very important and in fact the main concern is how to distinguish good from bad pistachios. The best way to do this is to pay attention to the appearance of pistachios. The bony shell of a good pistachio should be bone-colored and free of blemishes, and the cleft should look perfectly natural. If the pistachio slit is too wide and the kernel has too much space, the pistachios are probably mechanically smiling.
Regarding the color of pistachios, as we said about the characteristics of good pistachios, the color of pistachio kernels should be yellow or green, and the greener the pistachio kernels, the tastier it is. Pistachio kernels should be crisp and fresh, and the matte color, softness of the pistachio kernels, and any signs of mold or dullness are signs that the pistachios are substandard.

Why should we eat pistachios during pregnancy?

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3. Increase the improvement of the immune system
Pistachios contain antioxidants pistachio shell , which include carotene, polyphenolic substances, vitamin A and vitamin C, and help the immune system.
4. Prevention of anemia
Pistachio has many properties that can help the formation of fetal blood cells and also these nuts prevent anemia in the mother and are very useful for her during pregnancy.
5. Treatment of constipation
Pistachios are very easy to digest and can improve bowel movements, and they can also be used to prevent hormonal changes in early pregnancy.
6. Anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory
Pistachios are naturally anti-inflammatory and can help relieve joint pain and prevent inflammation during pregnancy.
Anti-inflammatory pregnancy
How does eating pistachios help a mother during pregnancy?
Properties of pistachio and its consumption during pregnancy
7. Improve fetal brain development
In the article on the properties of pistachios in the wet health section, we said that pistachios contain omega-3 fatty acids such as oleic acid, which is useful for the baby's brain development.
8. Prevent infection during pregnancy
Vitamins A and E in pistachios have antioxidant properties and prevent infection during pregnancy.
How much pistachio should be consumed per day?
In response to the question you had about pregnancy and wet baby, we must say that according to the reports of the source sites of the same article, you can consume about 24 pistachios a day and enjoy its benefits, and you should not eat more than this amount because oil Excess in pistachios can damage your brain and body.

Stress treatment with pistachios

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If you feel anxious or depressed, the best way pistachio shell to deal with it is to eat pistachios. Various studies on pistachios show that pistachios eliminate anxiety and stress due to their strong antioxidants such as christine, lutein and resveratrol.
Pistachio compounds have a positive effect on stress and cause its elimination. So if you include pistachios in your daily diet, you are helping to alleviate your anxiety and stress. We all know pistachios as a source of potassium. Potassium, this mineral helps regulate human blood pressure a lot.
These nuts are also delicious and rich in magnesium. Magnesium is completely anti-stress and blood pressure and its consumption reduces the incidence of these diseases. You may be interested to know that women's body needs 360 per day and men's body needs 420 mg of magnesium per day, and every 30 grams of pistachios contains 8% magnesium. So by consuming this valuable food daily, you can meet your body's need for these minerals.
Properties of pistachios and treatment of constipation
One of the properties of pistachio is that it has a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium and fiber. Fiber is one of the minerals that plays a very important role in improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. There are about 3 grams of fiber in every 28 grams of pistachios. This amount can provide 12% of the daily needs of the human body.
Fiber plays an important role in absorbing water in the intestines. Absorption of water in the intestines causes the intestines to contract and accelerate the excretion process. Fiber also helps stimulate colon bacteria. As a result, pistachio consumption prevents constipation.
Consume pistachios to fight cardiovascular disease
Another property of pistachios is that they have a lot of useful fatty acids for the body. The fats in pistachios are in the category of unsaturated fats, and these fats help a lot in lowering blood cholesterol. It can be said that about 90% of the fats in pistachios are unsaturated fats. These fats prevent cardiovascular disease.

What is the nature of pistachio?

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The ancients gave energetic pistachio shell food the title of warm nature. By the same token, it can be said that in terms of traditional medicine, pistachios are hot and dry. Even traditional medicine experts consider pistachios warmer than walnuts. For this reason, eating a lot of pistachios is not recommended for people who have a hot and dry temperament or bile. To know the nature of pistachios, what is the nature of pistachios? Read.
What is an ounce of pistachios?
The unit of measurement for pistachios is ounce. The smaller the pistachio ounce, the larger the pistachio and of course the higher its value. For example, Akbari Anas pistachio is considered a luxury 18 pistachio and its price is very expensive. To calculate the pistachio ounce, 142 grams of pistachios are weighed. Then they count the number and divide the obtained number by 5. Any number obtained is pistachio ounce. Of course, this number is usually rounded to a higher even number. For example, suppose we have 98 pistachios in 142 grams of Akbari pistachios. Dividing this number by 5 gives 19.6. In market terms, this pistachio is called Anas 24-22.
Spontaneous combustion of pistachios
Inadequate storage of nuts in bulk has been shown to cause fires. Due to their high fat and low water content, nuts, and especially their kernels, are prone to spontaneous fire if stored in oil-absorbent fibers or flammable fibers.
Buy pistachios online at Haft Magh site
Pistachio is one of the most popular nuts and there are almost no people who are not fascinated by its taste. Some people prefer to find the daily price of pistachios or buy pistachios through an online store. The oldest website in the field of selling nuts and dried fruits is the Haft Maghsh nuts and dried fruits store, which has been able to meet the needs of many users by offering a variety of quality pistachios in different flavors.

Tips on fresh pistachios

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When peeling pistachio shell pistachios, do not worry about the pistachios being closed, during the drying process of pistachios, many pistachios open on their own.
* Experience has shown that frozen pistachios are much easier to peel.
* High quality pistachio is a pistachio that has opened its door.
Closed pistachios are usually opened by soaking them in water using special devices. This type of pistachio is called "smiling water".
That is, pistachio that has been smiled by this process.
To determine if a pistachio has opened its door or opened it with the help of human intervention, it is enough to hold it in your hand and try to pick them up from the skin of the pistachio if the pistachio was closed by pressing the shells. That is, pistachios are smiling water, but if it was not possible to close the pistachios at all, your pistachios are naturally smiling.

Pistachio species in Iran

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P.Vera species (edible pistachio)
Edible pistachios pistachio shell are grown as small trees in some provinces, including Semnan, Kerman and Khorasan. Also, this species grows as a car in Khorasan and Mazandaran provinces. P. Vera is a dicotyledonous tree with alternate, hairless leaves, consisting of 2 or 3 pairs of pointed leaflets with one terminal leaflet.
The fruit of the Shaft edible pistachio is almost dry and ovoid. The kernel has a pleasant, mild taste and is covered with a very thin layer of red. In addition to being rich in nutrients, the kernel of this species has been used in the pharmaceutical industry in the past in the preparation of emulsions, which is used in the Looch Vert formula, and in external use can be used in applications similar to sweet almond oil.
Edible pistachio (Pistacia Vera)
P. khinjuk species
KELHONG, scientifically known as PISTACIA KHINJUK (Lentisque Bombay), is a tree of the genus Pistachio. The fruit of this species has many similarities to coriander but is smaller and smaller than it, with a soft skin. The Pistacia khinjuk is a species of plant in the Anacardiaceae family native to Egypt, West Asia, and parts of the Himalayas. The name of this species (khinjuk) is derived from the name of the khenjak plant in Afghanistan.
Khenjak or Kalkhang tree has relatively larger leaflets than coriander leaflets. Kalkhang fruit is a very small egg with a length of 5 mm, which is collected immaturely and consumed orally with the skin. This species is used in Iran for transplanting ordinary pistachios as a base. Dandelion tree grows in the southern, southeastern, western, central and eastern regions of Iran.
Pistacia khinjuk
P. Atlantica species
Coriander or pistachio tree (wild pistachio) with the scientific name of Pistacia Atlantica, usually grows in the mountainous areas of the Zagros Mountains in a completely automobile manner. Coriander tree is one of the most valuable plant species that has long been considered.
Coriander tree is a tree similar to ordinary pistachio tree, its height sometimes reaches about 7 meters. This species has leaves composed of 9 to 11 leaflets. These trees have clustered flowers that are red and used in dyeing. The fruit of this tree is hard and red in color and turns brown when ripe. Which is used to prepare pickles. The flowering season of this plant is early spring.
Different parts of pistachio tree such as bark, leaves, unripe fruits and ripe seeds can be used for various food and medicinal purposes. In addition, it is secreted from coriander or pistachio tree (wild) in a natural state or by creating a special and high quality gum crack, which is known as turpentine. For this reason, this tree is sometimes known as the turpentine tree. The well-known juice of turpentine has numerous properties and due to its numerous applications in various fields of medicine, treatment, industry and food (its most common use is in the preparation of natural chewing gum) it can be used.

Pistachio is very useful for your hair, skin and nails

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Pistachios contain a large pistachio shell amount of vitamins needed by your skin, hair and nails, and in this way, they can nourish and strengthen them well. Pistachios also have hydrating properties that make your skin soft and supple. The antioxidants in pistachios also fight free radicals and their destructive effects, and save your skin from blemishes and wrinkles.
The use of pistachios helps to strengthen the *******ual powers of both men and women.
Disadvantages of overuse of pistachios
Disadvantages of overuse of pistachios
As we said; Improper use of the most beneficial substances can also cause pain. Pistachios will not be exempt from this rule. Here are some of the disadvantages of using pistachios.
Excessive consumption of pistachios can cause obesity:
Pistachios contain a lot of protein and vegetable fatty acids and if used improperly can cause obesity and overweight. In addition, pistachios are not recommended for people with high blood triglycerides.
Pistachio has a warm and dry nature:
The hot and dry nature of pistachio causes its excessive use to warm the body and cause red spots and urticaria. In addition, people with a warm nature are not recommended to use too much pistachios.
Too much pistachio can cause digestive problems:
If your body reacts to the fructones in pistachios, it can cause digestive problems such as constipation, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.

Pistachios and blood pressureWhat is the best type and breed of pistachio for planting?

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What is the best type and pistachio shell breed of pistachio for planting; This is a question asked by many people who intend to plant the best pistachio seeds. It is important to note that you must be very careful when choosing pistachio seeds; Because if you choose a weak seed or it has a disease, it will waste many years of your efforts. In this case, you will have diseased trees and pests.
Meanwhile, Zarandi almond pistachio seeds will be the best type and breed of pistachio for planting. This type of seed has a full embryo and an excellent growth period compared to similar samples. In this article, we will introduce you to the best type of pistachio seedlings for planting, the best distance for planting pistachio trees, the best soil for planting pistachio seedlings, the price of American and Israeli pistachio seedlings. So if you are planning to build a farm of these smiling nuts, join us.
Specifications of the best type of pistachio for planting!
As mentioned, among pistachio seeds, Zarandi almond seed is one of the most suitable and best. This type of seed has a medium size and is suitable for planting. You can find this example in abundance in the gardens of Zarand city of Kerman. This type of seed has significant vegetative power due to its small size. The height of the pistachio tree is 351 cm and the width of its crown is 356 cm, which is relatively high. This type has characteristics that the characteristics of the best type of pistachio seedlings include the following:
Proper adaptation to dehydration
High compatibility with soil and saline water
High yield
Having moderate flowering
Each cluster has 18 pistachio seeds
Study suggestion: Properties of pistachios for men
The best type and breed of pistachios for planting
What is the reason for the superiority of almond pistachio seeds over other seeds?
This type of pistachio seed has a full embryo due to its medium size and is very early. In contrast, other seeds, such as Akbari pistachio, are large and less popular due to the incompleteness of the embryo inside the pistachio and its late maturity. In addition, almond pistachio has a lower amount of laughter, which is a more complete embryo and has a good price, so it is more suitable for cultivation.