مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Production of fertile clusters by pollination

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Male flower buds open earlier than females. pistachio shell The flower buds of the female are pointed while the male buds are spherical. Swelling and number of male flower buds more than females. Yellowing of the upper leaves of the tree and malaise are related to iron deficiency. Lack of copper in the soil causes the branches to become sticky and the skin to darken.
The use of barium in saline soils should be avoided. The element is one of the elements that is useful in increasing the life of pollen. Giving plenty of water and increasing the irrigation circuit will cause the food to wash away. Due to water shortage and long irrigation cycle, soil uptake conditions are not provided.
Potash plays an important role in plant resistance to salinity and pests. The number of male to female trees should be 1: 9. Symptoms of pollen deficiency (males) include osteoporosis and miscarriage. Pistachio trees have two bases and are pollinated by wind. The type of pruning in pistachio trees is cup and turnip.

Capacity and capacity of fruit dryer

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Industrial dryers are used for mass production pistachio shell due to their large volume, and you can dry hundreds of kilos of fruit in them, but the home type has a limited volume and capacity, which according to the space occupied and the amount of production, you can use a machine. Choose not to have to repeat the drying process several times.
Time required to dry the materialNot all foods dry at the same time, and the drying time varies. To dry some fruits in the first stage, the temperature of the machine should be low and then in the next stage, gradually increase the degree. But in some materials the temperature must be applied in reverse so that the temperature is high first and then low.Therefore, this requires experience, as it depends on both the machine and your cuts, as well as the type of material used for drying.
VoiceDryers are noisy due to the fan, but sound insulation must be used in the devices. The fruit and vegetable dryers are designed and manufactured in two models, D500 and D1000, with 15 trays and 30 trays. These machines have all-steel cover, silent operation, equipped with adjustable temperature and digital time control panel. The desired temperature and time are that after completing the drying cycle, the machine automatically turns off and gives an alarm to inform the user. Also, by using circulator fans along with an electric element with a special and unique design, the heat distribution in the entire dryer chamber is done in a completely uniform manner.

The effect of salting on pistachios

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While salting the pistachios, the pistachio shell pistachios should be thoroughly mixed together to distribute the heat evenly. Salinization is a chemical process that causes food proteins to change. This action affects the taste of pistachios.
Heating and adding other ingredients to flavor pistachios affect its properties and nutrients. During the roasting and salting of pistachios, changes in their color and appearance occur, which causes the loss of antioxidant properties, reduction of protein digestion and loss of amino acids.
In the process of roasting and salting, many heat-sensitive vitamins, such as vitamins B2 and C, are partially lost.
In this article, we talked about different methods of roasting pistachios. We also studied the effect of salting on pistachios. Thank you very much for joining us and please share this article with others if you are interested.

What to do with closed mouth pistachios

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Pour the pistachios into pistachio shell a saucepan and add water to completely cover the surface.Add some salt and lemon juice and put it on the heat.Let the pistachios cook for about an hour, then turn off the heat.The skin of pistachios cooked in this way softens and is easily removed with a squeeze. 
How to smile with closed mouth pistachios?Soak closed mouth pistachios in water for 2 hours to soak, then open their mouth with a tool such as pliers and a small pressure.Now spread the pistachios in the sun to dry.After the pistachios are dry, their mouths are wide open and they become so-called smiling. 
The last word
Moisture in fresh pistachios is the most important cause of spoilage and mold, which can cause aflatoxin toxin and disease; Therefore, fresh pistachios should be stored in methods such as freezing or drying. First, peel the green skin around the pistachios and then dry them in one of the mentioned ways or keep them in a closed nylon in the freezer. In this way, you can benefit from the health benefits of pistachios.


Benefits and medicinal properties of pistachios

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Pistachio bark decoction pistachio shell is useful for relieving itching of female genitals.Decoction of pistachio bark and leaves is useful for relieving anal pain and itching.Pistachio kernels are made of iron due to their iron content, and those with anemia should eat some pistachios daily.Eating pistachios strengthens ***ual power.Strengthens the brain and mind.Pistachio strengthens the stomach.It is useful for relieving cough.It is useful for calming the heart and calming the nerves.Pistachio is recommended to open the liver ducts.Treats normal diarrhea and dysentery. Harms of pistachios
 Familiarity with the properties and harms of pistachios
25 most important properties and benefits of pistachios1. Antioxidant properties:
Pistachio shells contain a lot of antioxidants. These antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that make up cellular metabolism. These radicals cause heart disease and cancer.
2. Improve heart health:
Reduces daily consumption of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. These nuts are a rich source of amino acids, which prevent the narrowing of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots.

The best and fastest way to dry fresh pistachios

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Isolation of fresh pistachio skin

Now it is enough to untie the pistachio shell bag and empty the pistachios on a tray. You can easily separate the skins and pistachios. Of course, there are still some pistachios whose skin is firmly attached. These pistachios are usually whole or hollow. Now it is much easier to separate the pistachio skin from the pistachio itself.

Wash fresh pistachios

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. This way you can clean them or separate the lighter pistachios from the water. Empty pistachios float on the water.

To dry fresh pistachios, pistachios can be dried in the sun or roasted in a pan to dry. The use of salt also increases the shelf life of pistachios. Rinse the pistachios and dry them in a large tray in the sun.

1. When peeling fresh pistachios, do not worry about the pistachios being closed. During the drying process of pistachios, many pistachios open on their own.

2. Experience has shown that frozen pistachios are much easier to peel.

3. High quality fresh pistachios are pistachios that have opened their doors.

4. As usual, closed pistachios are soaked and soaked in water using special devices. This type of pistachio is called smiling. That is, pistachios that have been smiled by this process.

5. To determine if a pistachio has opened its own door or with the help of human intervention, it is enough to hold it in your hand and try to pull them together from the skin of the pistachio. Pistachio is smiling water, but if it was not possible to close the pistachio at all, your pistachio is smiling naturally.

Drying of pistachio tree branches due to branch drying disease

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Pistachio tree can be affected by several factors due to several factors, which are as follows:

    Dehydration and pistachio shell salinity and drought stresses cause trees to wither.
    There are three types of fungi that can cause headaches, which are the main cause of the disease.
    Winter frosts, pests and nematodes cause drought.

The most susceptible cultivar to pistachio blight is Ouhadi cultivar. Frost fungi are very opportunistic. These fungi penetrate the wound site as soon as a wound or scratch occurs. Tree branch wounds are caused by pruning with agricultural tools, wood-eating insects, the place where the cluster separates from the branch and the branch cracks due to cold and frost.

Dried pistachio fungus has a***ual reproduction and grows and reproduces rapidly with favorable temperature and nutritional conditions. These fungi may be moved by wind or insects to another branch. The activity time of this fungus starts from the beginning of spring, but the time of contamination of this fungus is during pruning and harvesting, when the most contamination occurs at this time.

The factors that cause pistachio tree wilt disease are as follows:

    Dehydration and sunburn
    Lack of proper soil texture
    Being poor in food

Symptoms of dehydration in pistachio trees are as follows:

    Occurrence of orange, brown and yellow wicks on the branches
    Drying of branches and twigs
    Darkening of the skin of infected branches
    Dark sores appear on the branches

Disease control of pistachio trees:

    Use of potash fertilizers
    Timely and proper irrigation and feeding
    Infected branches are pruned and separated, then taken out of the garden and burned.
    Disinfect tree pruning tools

Properties of pistachio green skin

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It is the best medicine for bad breath

Fresh pistachio pistachio shell skin and its jam are soothing and strengthen and soothe the stomach Skin Pistachio green According to ancient Iranian medicine, unlike pistachio itself, it is cold and dry and has the following properties

Pistachio green skin is used for dyeing.

It is the best medicine for bad breath.

Chewing it heals wounds inside the mouth.

Rubbing it on the gums or chewing it is good for the gums.

5- Dam
Pistachio green skin eliminates nausea and vomiting and also to relieve diarrhea

It is recommended to take a cup of brewed pistachio green skin to relieve hiccups.

Decoction of the leaves and bark of the tree is effective in treating skin diseases (scabies).

Decoction of pistachio bark and leaves is useful for relieving pain and itching of the skin.

Its decoction helps to treat anal and uterine pains as well as speed treatment.

Fresh pistachio skin and its jam are soothing and strengthen and soothe the stomach

All tips for planting pistachios

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Plows and discs

Soil plowing is pistachio shell done with the aim of uprooting the soil and removing weeds, while soil plowing is done with the aim of crushing the clumps and collecting weeds.

In some cases when it is necessary to add soil modifiers to the culture medium to improve the soil, these materials can be added to the soil before plowing and discing, so that in addition to smoothing the culture medium, tillage operations are performed and غير مجاز مي باشدts Decrease.
Execution of planting plan

Planting plan includes the location of main and secondary streets, how to place the planting rows, the location of the main trees, the location of the male trees, the location of the windbreaks, the main and secondary waterways, and these factors are influenced by the planting plan (rectangular, square). , Rhombus and…) are placed.
Create water movement path and demarcate parts

If irrigation is to be done by flood method, proper design should be done to demarcate the parts and predict the water flow path in the main and secondary inlets. It may also be necessary to design and prepare a specific and suitable place to collect excess water (drainage). .
Create a windbreaker

If strong winds or quicksands are common in the planting area, windbreak rows can be created around the field using suitable trees (high) and perpendicular to the prevailing winds in the area.

The following tips can help you create a windbreak:

    The number of rows of plants that make up the windbreak varies depending on the type of plants selected.
    Plants that are selected as windbreaks should not be shared hosts with the main plant (pistachio) for pests and diseases.
    Trees such as turmeric, elm, cypress, pine or male pistachio trees can be well used as windbreaks.

Read more in the article Windbreaks and wind-resistant trees.

How to irrigate a pistachio tree

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In general, the water required for pistachio shell pistachio seedlings in the flood method will be about 4,000 cubic meters per hectare per year for 4 to 5 year old seedlings, and the same amount is recommended for irrigating one year old seedlings, because pistachio plants per year First, it has just been moved to its original location and has little rooting development, so its actual need is much less than 4,000 cubic meters, and even less than 1,000 cubic meters per hectare in the first year, which is only possible with modern systems or the same method. The pressurized system can be given to the plant and this is not possible with the flood method.

When we pay attention to the amount of water required for pistachio trees for different irrigation methods in terms of cubic meters per hectare per year for different climatic conditions, which are as follows, we realize the importance of modern irrigation systems:
Surface and flood irrigation: 9,000 cubic meters per hectare per year
Irrigation of Babol: 7,000 cubic meters per hectare per year
Drip irrigation: 5,000 cubic meters per hectare per year