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مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Buy bulk natural dried fruits

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There is now a dried sample of almost all fruits. Drying fruits is a way pistachio shell that you can enjoy fresh fruit in all seasons.
Bulk purchase of natural dried fruits is very hot due to the high purchase of this series of products and in this field, many providers are active in all parts of the country.
Buy bulk natural dried fruits
What are the characteristics of high quality dried fruit?
What are the characteristics of high quality dried fruit?
Among the types of high quality dried fruits, we can mention the dried fruits of apples, oranges, lemons, bananas, strawberries, etc., each of which has special fans. But one of the most widely used and best packaged dried fruits that is easy to find is dried apple fruit.
Apples are delicious and juicy fruits that if a small amount of water is removed, their original taste will not change. Dried apples are also naturally sweet and are a great alternative to fresh apples.
There are many methods that people use to dry apples, one of the most common of which is drying in direct sunlight. In addition, home-made fruit dryers have been developed that make this easier.
Dried fruits have many healing properties. It is rich in dietary fiber which can eliminate many digestive problems of your body such as constipation, in addition it can balance your weight; Because it has a great effect on keeping you full for a long time. It also kills toxins and harmful bacteria in the gut and makes the stool softer. Dried apples contain a variety of vitamins to strengthen the brain and hormones.

Mechanical control of pistachio wood-eating moth

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This method either directly destroys the pest or makes the pistachio shell environment unsuitable for their entry, distribution, survival or regeneration. In this method, at limited levels, the cocoons formed on the branches can be mechanically separated from the branches at the end of March. These cocoons should be exterminated after collection from the garden surface.
This method is impossible for a large area and is not economical and doing this method alone will never be enough to reduce pest damage and chemical control in gardens with severe pollution is recommended (Sami et al., 2005).
Chemical control of pistachio wood-eating moth and its effective factors
Chemical control is one of the effective methods currently used to control pistachio wood-eating moths. The effectiveness of chemical control of this pest depends on two important factors, including the effectiveness of the toxin and the exact time of spraying (Basirat and Mehrnejad, 2004).

Properties of pistachio kernels and oil

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Pistachio kernel has a warm and dry nature according to pistachio shell ancient Iranian medicine. The high amount of iron in pistachio kernels and the body's ability to absorb it high has made pistachios an effective substance for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Pistachios also contain some plant protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin E, all of which are good for health. Properties-pistachio-kernel-and-oil-pistachio
Pistachio kernel extract is a clear, yellow oil that has nutritional and therapeutic properties. The fatty acids that make up this oil are: oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid), linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid), palmitic acid, estaric acid and linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid), respectively.
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack and, along with omega-6 fatty acids, boost the immune system and produce vicosanoids. Eicosanoids are hormone-like compounds involved in platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, allergic and immune reactions, and inflammatory conditions.

Pistachio gall mite (Eroiphyes pistaciae)

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Scabies is the deformity of plant organs due to pest feeding, pistachio shell and this type of mite causes severe deformation of leaves, spikes and even tree branches and reduces yields.
Pistachio mite pests
Ticks of the Eroiphidae family generally have very small limbs of 100 to 200 microns with a soft, worm-shaped body, ring-shaped and slender at the end, and have two pairs of short legs at the front end of the body. These mites are yellow to light brown in color, without eyes, without visible respiratory system, with a short snout along the longitudinal axis of the body, the snout of this species is suitable for piercing its host tissue.
Pistachio mite Eroiphidae
Common pistachio mite (Tenuipalpus granati)
Babies of these mites feed on the tail of clusters and petioles, causing blackening and shedding of some fruits, and if their population increases, they also cause shedding of leaves.
Members of the family Tenuipalpidae are generally small, 2 to 3 mm long with a flat, pear-shaped, soft body, red, green, and yellowish green. This species has relatively short legs.
This family of mites are similar to tartar mites and feed on the sap of the leaves of host plants. These mites are called false spider mites because they do not have a web.
Fight against pistachio mites
To fight against Galza mites when more than half of the flowers of pistachio material are open, and for ordinary pistachio mites in August and September, you can spray with one of the following:
Sulfur and tablet in the ratio of 2 to 3 per thousand
Neurons at a ratio of 2 per thousand
Biofertilizer foliar application 10 per thousand

Correlation between pistachio problems and pistachio sales

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Correlation between pistachio pistachio shell problems and pistachio sales
There is a correlation between the problems of pistachio and its sales within this correlation can be viewed from two perspectives:
There is no correlation: it can be stated that, unfortunately, in the domestic market of Iran, the quality of roasted pistachios and its toxins are not measured and all pistachio cultivars, from small to large, are consumed and the customer is accustomed to consuming high quality pistachios. Therefore, there is no correlation between the problems of pistachio production and its sales in the country.
There is a correlation: because we look at this problem from a macro perspective, we can feel the correlation. Our pistachio products that are exported to many countries. It is also exported in bulk, if it is approved by the exporting country, it will be purchased. Otherwise it will be sent back. And generally our high quality pistachios are bought by European and American countries.
After that, the returned pistachios are sent to Central Asian countries and then to Africa, and if it is not confirmed again, it is returned to Iran and enters the domestic markets of Iran. As a result, the market faces an oversupply and therefore may It can be said that due to the problem of pistachio production, the supply inside Iran increases and causes the supply and demand chart to be disrupted.

Situation of pistachio exports on the borders of Iran and Russia

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Iran's pistachio and dried fruit exports have not been better pistachio shell on the Russian-Iranian border. Pursuant to Article 4 of the Trade and Customs Agreement, which was concluded between Russia and Iran on February 23, 1828 (March 25, 1207) in pursuance of the infamous Turkmen Chai Treaty, customs duties were set at 5% of the price, resulting in the conclusion of this treaty. And the treaty between Iran and Britain in 1841 lost Iran's customs independence.
On October 27, 1902, a customs declaration was signed between Iran and Russia, which increased Russian customs duties on Iranian exports. But customs duties on goods imported from Russia were greatly reduced.
Analyzing the agricultural, economic, and foreign trade situation in Iran in 1906, Dr. Wishard, an American physician, writes in his report entitled Twenty Years in Iran: "No one can claim that Americans are greedy for trade with Iran. Russia's $ 16,714,716, Great Britain's $ 69,389,109, India's $ 3586,372, France's $ 1682418, Austria's $ 1137178, Germany $ 573620, China's $ 186 to China $ 13775 It belongs to America.
However, the Russians expected more than this, and the Turkmen Treaty did not consider the imposed tea and the customs declaration attached to it sufficient. In 1305 AH, a Russian official wrote, "Non-expansion of Russian trade in Iran. Until now, the Russian administration has not done anything to expand our trade with Iran.

Level of pistachio production in the country

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At the national level, Kerman province, with 76.5% of pistachio shell the fertile level of pistachios and 64.5% of the production of this product (based on the latest documented statistics) has the first place in the level and production. In Kerman province (especially Rafsanjan city) more than 300,000 hectares of land are under cultivation of this crop (Ardestani and Moazeni, 1390).
Planting pistachio trees is now widespread in various parts of the world. In Asia, in addition to natural growing areas, pistachio trees are grown in Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen and China. In Europe, Italy and Greece, in Africa, Tunisia and the Maghreb, and in the United States, in the United States, pistachio trees are grown (Abrishami, 1373).

Consumables of pistachio tree

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High-consumption elements include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), pistachio shell potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (mg) and sulfur (S), and trace elements include iron (Fa), manganese (respectively). Mn), chlorine (Cl), bar (B), ms (Cu), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo). The elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) are also high consumption elements because their initial supply and absorption is mostly done through air, except for the initial division.
In some classifications, the elements sodium (Na), cobalt (Co), and silicon (Si) are considered to be rarely necessary elements (elements that are present in small amounts necessary for the growth of some plants) and very small amounts of elements such as iodine. (I), fluorine (F), bromine (Br), aluminum (Al) and selenium (Se) are considered to stimulate plant growth, but say that although they have no role in plant nutrition, but for the health of plant consumers (humans and Animals need to be present in adequate amounts in plants.
Nutrients are usually absorbed by water-soluble ions or by diffusion from the soil to the surface of the roots and are absorbed. With enough food, other symptoms may limit the growth of the tree and cause symptoms to be confused with the symptoms of malnutrition. These factors include:
Soil dryness or lack of moisture in it
Wounding of tree trunks with mechanical devices
Application of herbicides
Accumulation of some foods under certain conditions
To identify deficiencies in pistachio trees, all conditions must be considered together. Therefore, deficiencies can be identified only by the appearance of signs that the other needs of the tree are fully met.

Nutrition management of pistachio orchard in spring

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Nutrition management of pistachio orchard in pistachio shell spring
The beginning of spring coincides with the beginning of pistachio tree growth, the first nutritional step at this stage is to give nitrogen fertilizers by road. The first installment of nitrogen is recommended from the end of March to the end of April. Of course, if the first installment of nitrogen is possible in the second half of April, it is better than the first half of April. The recommended amount of fertilizer at this stage is 200 kg / ha of ammonium sulfate, or 175 to 150 kg / ha of urea for fresh water.
Nutrition management of pistachio orchard in spring
In orchards where bone marrow spotting has been observed in previous years, spraying calcium chelate with a concentration of 500 to 750 cc per thousand liters of water in the third decade of April is effective to eliminate and reduce the damage of the complication. The best time to start nutrient spraying is May 1st.
At this time, the leaf surface is large enough and its permeability is relatively fast and convenient. For foliar application, try fertilizers that combine two or three samples to cover all the tree needs for macro and micro elements.
For best results, the first spraying should be repeated at intervals of two to three weeks. In June, before fertilization, it is recommended to apply a second dose of nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 175 kg / ha, ammonium sulfate, or 150 kg of urea for sweet soils. Before brainwashing, foliar application of potassium chelate and urea is effective in preventing burns and osteoporosis.

How to dry pistachios

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The drying stage consists of two pistachio shell parts:
Peeled pistachios are left in a dryer or rotary dryer cylinder (dryer temperature 82 degrees) for about 3 hours until the moisture content of the pistachio kernel reaches 12 to 13%.
In the next step, the pistachios are transferred to wide-bottomed boxes so that the drying with hot air (below 49 degrees) continues for one to several days until the humidity reaches 5 to 6% (required It should be noted that such dryers are mainly used in the United States.