Situation of pistachio exports on the borders of Iran and Russia

۱۸ بازديد
Iran's pistachio and dried fruit exports have not been better pistachio shell on the Russian-Iranian border. Pursuant to Article 4 of the Trade and Customs Agreement, which was concluded between Russia and Iran on February 23, 1828 (March 25, 1207) in pursuance of the infamous Turkmen Chai Treaty, customs duties were set at 5% of the price, resulting in the conclusion of this treaty. And the treaty between Iran and Britain in 1841 lost Iran's customs independence.
On October 27, 1902, a customs declaration was signed between Iran and Russia, which increased Russian customs duties on Iranian exports. But customs duties on goods imported from Russia were greatly reduced.
Analyzing the agricultural, economic, and foreign trade situation in Iran in 1906, Dr. Wishard, an American physician, writes in his report entitled Twenty Years in Iran: "No one can claim that Americans are greedy for trade with Iran. Russia's $ 16,714,716, Great Britain's $ 69,389,109, India's $ 3586,372, France's $ 1682418, Austria's $ 1137178, Germany $ 573620, China's $ 186 to China $ 13775 It belongs to America.
However, the Russians expected more than this, and the Turkmen Treaty did not consider the imposed tea and the customs declaration attached to it sufficient. In 1305 AH, a Russian official wrote, "Non-expansion of Russian trade in Iran. Until now, the Russian administration has not done anything to expand our trade with Iran.
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