Correlation between pistachio problems and pistachio sales

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Correlation between pistachio problems and pistachio sales

۱۷ بازديد
Correlation between pistachio pistachio shell problems and pistachio sales
There is a correlation between the problems of pistachio and its sales within this correlation can be viewed from two perspectives:
There is no correlation: it can be stated that, unfortunately, in the domestic market of Iran, the quality of roasted pistachios and its toxins are not measured and all pistachio cultivars, from small to large, are consumed and the customer is accustomed to consuming high quality pistachios. Therefore, there is no correlation between the problems of pistachio production and its sales in the country.
There is a correlation: because we look at this problem from a macro perspective, we can feel the correlation. Our pistachio products that are exported to many countries. It is also exported in bulk, if it is approved by the exporting country, it will be purchased. Otherwise it will be sent back. And generally our high quality pistachios are bought by European and American countries.
After that, the returned pistachios are sent to Central Asian countries and then to Africa, and if it is not confirmed again, it is returned to Iran and enters the domestic markets of Iran. As a result, the market faces an oversupply and therefore may It can be said that due to the problem of pistachio production, the supply inside Iran increases and causes the supply and demand chart to be disrupted.
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