Familiarity with pistachio pests in Iran

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Familiarity with pistachio pests in Iran

۱۴ بازديد
Types of pistachio pests in pistachio shell Iran
Different types of pistachio pests in Iran are classified as follows:
Pistachio caterpillar idius serus satali (juice pest)
Pistachio psyllids (reagent to dry sap)
Pistachio leaf-eating larvae
Pistachio root cream
Pistachio Eater Beetle (Beetle)
Pistachio bee-eating bees
Aflatoxin is a toxin secreted by a group of fungi (Aspergillus) that are part of the mold. These fungi produce poisonous food by feeding on it and leave it inside or on the food. This fungus begins to grow on the host (pistachios) in conditions of suitable temperature and humidity and produces poison, which causes great harm to humans and animals.
Pistachio psyllids (dry juice)
This insect excretes a lot of honey, which dries quickly in the presence of air. For this reason, this pest is called dry sap in the local language. Biology Adult overwintering insects Psyllids settle on trees from early April. This pest causes a lot of damage to domestic and wild pistachios.
The nymphs of the first generation of this pest appear in late April and early May. This pest damages pistachio crops by feeding on plant sap and reducing seed growth and crop failure, reduced vegetative growth and drying of twigs.
Pistachio leaf-eating larvae
From the beginning of April, the leaf-eating larvae of pistachios, which have spent the winter, gradually leave their wintering places and start feeding on the leaves. After passing the larval stage, the larvae become pre-pupae by weaving silk thread around them, and from the third decade of May, first full male and then female insects appear.
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