مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Consumption of organic fertilizers for pistachio trees

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Consumption of organic fertilizers pistachio shell for pistachio treesOrganic fertilizers are divided into three main categories based on their origin: animal, plant, and mixed. The benefits of organic fertilizers are as follows:
These fertilizers may be able to provide the plant with all the essential nutrients it needs. Another importance of organic fertilizers is to improve and increase soil permeability to the climate and thus root or plant permeability.

Exceptional sales of dried fruits for export

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Dried fruit is one of the most exceptional foods pistachio shell produced in the country, which is both delicious and a snack, and has gained a lot of fans. Exceptional sales of dried fruits are exported in the country, which reaches customers at a significant price, which is why the welcome to buy this product is well seen. The price of dried fruit is cheaper than fresh fruit, which is why it has many buyers.

The correct method of using potash fertilizers in pistachio orchards

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The correct method of using potash pistachio shell fertilizers in pistachio orchards
Unfortunately, in the past, due to the lack of potash fertilizers in pistachio orchards and excessive depletion of potassium in the soil, trees have faced long-term problems. Statistical studies show that more than 60% of gardens in Kerman province are deficient in potassium and it is difficult to bring the yield to the desired level in these gardens in the short term.
Since the need for potassium in pistachio trees is the same as nitrogen (slightly less) and given that potassium has a very important role in the quantity and quality of the product should be given special attention. Potassium plays an important role in regulating the water system and plant sap concentration, which is vital in arid and saline soils. In case of symptoms of deficiency of 1-3 kg of potash fertilizer for each tree in the form of manure or fertilizer tape, fertilizers that are used to supply potassium to the pistachio tree are recommended. 48% of potassium, potassium chloride is recommended only in non-saline soils.

The role of soil pH in absorbing the required elements of pistachios

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The role of soil pH in absorbing pistachio shell the required elements of pistachiosAnother major factor in nutrient uptake by trees from soil is soil acidity or soil pH. Soil acidity directly affects soil microorganisms as well as the uptake of various nutrients. Soil pH determines which elements are absorbed by the roots and which are not.
At low acidity (acidic pH) elements such as zinc, manganese, aluminum, copper and cobalt are highly absorbable and, conversely, at high pH can not be absorbed by plants. This is what has happened in the soil conditions of pistachio orchards in Kerman province and has caused the lack of microelements to be observed in almost all pistachio orchards due to the high pH of the soil.
Highly alkaline soils of Kerman province have large amounts of bicarbonate ions, which unfortunately have a negative impact on the growth and development of trees and also interfere with the absorption of other elements needed by pistachio trees.
Typically, macronutrients are less absorbed by trees at low pH or less acidic conditions, and conversely, microelements at lower pH or alkaline conditions are less likely to be absorbed by tree roots.
Adding lime to improve soil condition in pistachio orchards is a big mistake that unfortunately some farmers do unknowingly because lime raises the pH of the soil drastically and not only does it not improve soil conditions in pistachio-rich areas. Rather, it greatly increases the alkalinity of the soil.

Investigation of several factors of pistachio wilt and its control by nutrition

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Investigation of pistachio germination pistachio shell factors and its controlIn order to determine the distribution, percentage of occurrence and also to identify the cause or factors causing the complication of drying of pistachio trees, in 2002, 203 gardens in Rafsanjan, Kerman, Yazd and Khorasan regions were visited. The incidence of dandruff was estimated from 4 to 90% with an average of 15% and in Rafsanjan 28%.
From the studied orchards, 31 orchards were randomly identified and soil sampling profiles were performed by digging profiles from depths of 0-40, 41-80 and 81-120 cm and physical and chemical analyzes were performed.
Water and leaves of selected pistachio trees were sampled and chemical analysis was performed. Correlation relationships were obtained between the rate of dryness and the measured factors. The results showed that drought was positively correlated with soil chemical properties (Na.K, Na.Ca, SAR, K, Na, EC).

The Effect of Some Soil Properties on Growth, Yield and Smile of Pistachios in Rafsanjan Pomegranate Region

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Pistachio is one of the important export and strategic pistachio shell products of the country and for sustainable production of this product, it is necessary to identify the factors affecting its growth. The aim of this study was to identify the soils under pistachio cultivation and the effect of the characteristics of these soils on the growth, yield and smile of pistachios. For this purpose, pomegranate area located 75 km northwest of Rafsanjan in 2006 was selected for study. After preliminary studies, gardens were selected that were the same in terms of management, cultivar, water quality and irrigation cycle, but different in terms of apparent growth. Thus, six gardens were selected and each garden was divided into favorable and unfavorable parts. Soil sampling to determine its physical and chemical properties For statistical studies, three replications in each section and three trees in each replication were selected. Then, from two depths of zero to 40 and 40 to 80 cm in the shade of trees, soil sampling was done to determine some physical and chemical properties. Yield, fruit smiling percentage, trunk circumference, canopy length and tree height were also measured. Also, in the favorable and unfavorable part of each garden, a profile was dug and described and their classification up to the family level was determined. The results showed that high salinity and clay have a very significant negative effect on yield. The percentage of clay with trunk diameter, canopy length and height of trees and pistachio smile also showed a negative and significant correlation. Therefore, salinity and soil texture maps are recommended for better management of pistachios in the region. Based on the results of the profile description, the stability of the soils in the dry state in the unfavorable part was more difficult than the desirable part of the garden. The results of soil classification indicate that soil family can not always show the difference between soils and their effect on pistachio yield.

Foliar application of pistachio trees after pistachio harvest

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Foliar application of pistachio trees in pistachio shell the post-harvest periodIn short, 4 elements should be sprayed in the post-harvest period of pistachios. These 4 elements include nitrogen (N), zinc (Zn), boron (B), calcium (Ca). Of these, zinc (Zn) and calcium (Ca) are more important than others in foliar application. Although nitrogen or nitrogen can be considered the most important element required for pistachio trees in the post-harvest period, but because nitrogen fertilizer is usually applied to the soil through the soil and before the first irrigation in the post-harvest period, it is less important in foliar application. Be.
After harvesting, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers and ammonium sulfate or urea or a mixture of these two fertilizers can be used. Calcium plays a very important role in post-harvest foliar application and research has shown that foliar application of calcium fertilizers in the post-harvest period is very beneficial. The elements zinc, nitrogen and boron can be used in combination in the post-harvest period. Zinc is the precursor to auxin (growth hormone) in trees, and if sprayed in the post-harvest period, the trees will grow better in the spring of next year than trees that have not been sprayed.

Condition of leaves and flowering in high and low load conditions

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The leaves of pistachio trees store sugar pistachio shell and starch in fertile conditions for 60 days after the full flowering stage, while the trees store only soluble sugars in low-load conditions. 60% of pistachios fall by 30 days after the full flowering stage and 25% of the fall occurs in the next 30 days at the same time as the accumulation of sugars in the leaves of fruit trees. Fruiting and falling flowers are accompanied by competition for nutrients from growing fruits with vegetative and reproductive organs. In the first sampling date 10 to 60 days after the stage of full flowering in circumcision in fertile conditions more soluble sugar compared to trees in low load conditions in leaves and flower buds of wood this year. There were. In the early stages of fruit growth, the growth rate of leaves in high-yielding trees was higher than low-yielding trees. Because pistachio fruit growth occurs 76 days after flowering, most of the dry weight loss in the inflorescence buds of the leaves and the wood of the current year also occurs during this time of the annual wood of the cluster axis. Carbohydrate storage prepares for the initial growth of fertile trees, but between 10 and 60 days after full flowering, 85% of the fruits and 40% of the flower buds fall off.

Properties of pistachios and things you should know about it!

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Introduction of pistachios and their pistachio shell typesPistachio is one of the most important fixed nuts among Iranians, which has a lot of potassium compared to oranges, which have a larger body. Pistachios also have a lot of nutrients. The main centers of pistachios in the country are Kerman province and Rafsanjan city.
Four types of pistachios are mass-produced in the country, which are:
فندقيكله قوچيAkbariAhmad AghaeiMost Iranian pistachios are consumed raw or dried. To make the pistachio taste better, it is fried with lemon juice and salt to prepare salted pistachios.
You may be wondering what is in pistachios? There are the following ingredients in 100 grams of pistachios:
15 grams of starch2.5 grams of water54 grams of fat130 mg of calcium500 mg of phosphorus7.5 mg of iron950 mg of potassium230 units of vitamin A.0.7 mg of vitamin B11.5 mg of vitamin B3Take a look at the medicinal properties of pistachiosPistachios are very effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases. It is also useful for regulating heart rate, calming and calming the nerves. Pistachio consumption also reduces bad cholesterol in the body. The secret of pistachio blood is in the presence of iron in it, and people with anemia must consume some pistachios daily. Eating pistachios strengthens ***ual power and strengthens the mind and brain. Pistachio consumption opens the liver ducts, strengthens the stomach and relieves cough. Treatment of diarrhea. Pistachio consumption also relieves itching of female genitals. 

Buy nuts pistachios online

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Online shopping is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to pistachio shell shop, which is much cheaper in terms of price and time savings, but many people still use face-to-face methods because of the lack of trust in online stores. But if this is their mental concern, why not buy from well-known and reputable stores. Many online stores are well known in the country due to the high quality of goods and their reasonable prices.
Rafsanjan pistachio site is a well-known brand that is under the supervision of Aria Part Rafsanjan Sepehr Company and is under the supervision of pistachio economic activists in this city. Available in saline, raw and bulk and in part in packages of 25 to 500 grams. All the products of this company have a guaranteed quality and in case of your dissatisfaction, it gives you a money back guarantee. Taste the real taste of pistachios once purchased from this site.