مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

مرجع رسمي مقالات پسته

Pistachio harvest stages

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Due to the condition of pistachio orchards and the lack of pistachio shell suitable facilities for mechanized harvesting, this work is done manually and with a lot of labor and time. Pistachio harvesters are designed in such a way that it is not possible for pistachios to come into contact with the soil. Pistachios are usually transported to the terminal after being picked up by a trailer or truck.
Important and essential points when harvesting pistachios
Tips to consider when harvesting:
Harvesting should be done in the early hours of the day so that the temperature of the crop does not rise due to the heat of the sun. The product should be placed in a cool place under a canopy. At the time of harvesting, the least mechanical damage to the product should be tried.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that pistachios in the garden may be contaminated and it is not possible to remove them from the crop. In this case, by controlling the humidity of the crop temperature, it is possible to transfer the contamination from contaminated pistachios to pistachios. Reduced healthy.
As mentioned before, one of the ways fungi infiltrate and cause infection is the cracks created in the superficial skin, so the accumulation and pressure on the arranged grains can also be a factor in transmitting the contamination to the grains whose skin Are crushed or cracked.
Lack of proper ventilation causes a rise in temperature among pistachios and creates suitable conditions for the growth of fungi. Pistachios arranged in sacks prevent adequate ventilation. Therefore, its use is not allowed to transfer the arranged pistachios.
The floor of the trailer carrying the pistachios should also be covered with a plastic curtain, and after unloading, make sure that no pistachio seeds are left in the corners and sides of the trailer so that subsequent shipments are not contaminated. Arranged posts should also be moved to the nearest terminal and peeled and dried as soon as possible.

The signs and symptoms of salt poisoning are as follows

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Drying of the leaf margins from the tip
Drying of clusters
If the branches of trees damaged by salinity are broken due to the smell of pickles, blue-purple color can be seen on their surface.
According to studies, pistachio trees can not have a reduction in yield at irrigation water salinity equal to 8 dS / m, but between salinities of 8 to 12 dS / m irrigation water reduction in yield is significant.

Familiarity with pistachio pests in Iran

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Types of pistachio pests in pistachio shell Iran
Different types of pistachio pests in Iran are classified as follows:
Pistachio caterpillar idius serus satali (juice pest)
Pistachio psyllids (reagent to dry sap)
Pistachio leaf-eating larvae
Pistachio root cream
Pistachio Eater Beetle (Beetle)
Pistachio bee-eating bees
Aflatoxin is a toxin secreted by a group of fungi (Aspergillus) that are part of the mold. These fungi produce poisonous food by feeding on it and leave it inside or on the food. This fungus begins to grow on the host (pistachios) in conditions of suitable temperature and humidity and produces poison, which causes great harm to humans and animals.
Pistachio psyllids (dry juice)
This insect excretes a lot of honey, which dries quickly in the presence of air. For this reason, this pest is called dry sap in the local language. Biology Adult overwintering insects Psyllids settle on trees from early April. This pest causes a lot of damage to domestic and wild pistachios.
The nymphs of the first generation of this pest appear in late April and early May. This pest damages pistachio crops by feeding on plant sap and reducing seed growth and crop failure, reduced vegetative growth and drying of twigs.
Pistachio leaf-eating larvae
From the beginning of April, the leaf-eating larvae of pistachios, which have spent the winter, gradually leave their wintering places and start feeding on the leaves. After passing the larval stage, the larvae become pre-pupae by weaving silk thread around them, and from the third decade of May, first full male and then female insects appear.

Major distribution of dried apple fruit

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The bulk distribution of 250 g of dried fruit to the market can bring pistachio shell significant benefits to distributors because this type of dried fruit is of high quality and also because of the abundant nutrients that most people buy from it that distributors from They use first-class fruits for distribution in order to gain the trust of people who must order their needs from the production company. Distributors for the convenience of people should offer their products to all shopping centers and sales market so that people can buy one of them according to their position and close to the store can buy the required dried apples to benefit from its benefits. To be.

Direct sales of organic dried fruits

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As the sale of dried fruits is welcomed by the people and the number of pistachio shell customers of this product is increasing daily, the market for the production of dried fruits in completely hygienic packaging has also flourished and also today they produce different types of dried fruits in very different forms. It is also one of the best items for parties and you can also use a variety of dried fruits in your parties. Also, the production of dried fruits is very important for the preservation of all fruits in the seasons of the year, and since the long-term storage of these products does not require any preservatives, so it is very high in terms of nutritional value, you can easily use these products. Prepare and keep at home for a very long time.

Recognition of climatic conditions of pistachios

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Recognition of climatic conditions of pistachios Spring rains, pistachio shell frosts, and hot, drying winds prevent inoculation and high humidity during the growing season can exacerbate the onset and damage of fungal diseases. Strong winds also have an adverse effect on the cultivation of young seedlings. To help awaken and grow dormant buds and produce normal inflorescences and accelerate plant growth and fruiting in California at least a thousand hours of winter cold below 7ºc Is needed. And if the total temperature is less than 670 hours (as happened in 1977-78), the flowering and leafing of the tree is delayed and the leaves become irregular and unkempt, and crop production is reduced. In addition, no chemical substances or solutions provide or compensate for such deficiencies. Pistachio tree can be easily planted in most soils with different texture and material so that in calcareous and saline soils its strength and tolerance has been better than other fruit trees, but in shallow and hard lands and hard and rocky results It does not show well. The best soil for pistachios is sandy and clay soils with good drainage and ventilation. The deeper and more uniform, the better the growth and the higher the production.

Properties of pistachio kernels and oil

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Properties of pistachio kernels and oil
Pistachio kernel has a warm and dry nature pistachio shell according to ancient Iranian medicine. The high amount of iron in pistachio kernels and the body's ability to absorb it high has made pistachios an effective substance for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Pistachios also contain some plant protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin E, all of which are good for health. Properties-pistachio-kernel-and-oil-pistachio
Pistachio kernel extract is a clear, yellow oil that has nutritional and therapeutic properties. The fatty acids that make up this oil are: oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid), linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid), palmitic acid, estaric acid and linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid), respectively.
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack and, along with omega-6 fatty acids, boost the immune system and produce vicosanoids. Eicosanoids are hormone-like compounds involved in platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, allergic and immune reactions, and inflammatory conditions.

Common pistachio mite (Tenuipalpus granati)

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Babies of these mites feed on the tail of pistachio shell clusters and petioles, causing blackening and shedding of some fruits, and if their population increases, they also cause shedding of leaves.
Members of the family Tenuipalpidae are generally small, 2 to 3 mm long with a flat, pear-shaped, soft body, red, green, and yellowish green. This species has relatively short legs.
This family of mites are similar to tartar mites and feed on the sap of the leaves of host plants. These mites are called false spider mites because they do not spin.
Fight against pistachio mites
To fight against Galza mites when more than half of the flowers of pistachio material are open, and for ordinary pistachio mites in August and September, you can spray with one of the following:
Sulfur and tablet in the ratio of 2 to 3 per thousand
Neurons at a ratio of 2 per thousand
Biofertilizer foliar application 10 per thousand

Aflatoxin for pistachios

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Aflatoxin is a toxin secreted by a group of fungi (Aspergillus) that are part pistachio shell of the mold. These fungi produce poisonous food by feeding on it and leave it inside or on the food. This fungus begins to grow on the host (pistachios) in conditions of suitable temperature and humidity and produces poison, which causes great harm to humans and animals.
Pistachio psyllids (dry juice)
This insect excretes a lot of honey, which dries quickly in the presence of air. For this reason, this pest is called dry sap in the local language. Biology Adult overwintering insects Psyllids settle on trees from early April. This pest causes a lot of damage to domestic and wild pistachios.
The nymphs of the first generation of this pest appear in late April and early May. This pest damages pistachio crops by feeding on plant sap and reducing seed growth and crop failure, reduced vegetative growth and drying of twigs.

Some of the pests of fruit trees that pheromones are used to detect are listed in the table below (Mehrazin, 2009):

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Persian name The scientific pistachio shell name of the pest
Cydia pomonella apple cream
Grapholitha funebrana plum cream
Cherry fly Rhogoletis ceraci
Peach worm Lobesia botrava
Olive fly Bacterocera oleae
Rhyncophorus ferugineus
Zeuzera pyrina butterfly cream
Butterfly Archips rosanus
Leucoptera scitella
Cream to Euzophera bigella
American White Butterfly Hyphantria cunea
Bee-like moth Synanthedon myopaeformis
Peach branchworm Anarsia lineatella
Pistachio woodworm Kermania pistaciella
Mediterranean fly Ceratitis capitata
Some of the pests of crops that pheromones are used to detect are listed in the table below (Mehrazin, 2009):
Persian name The scientific name of the pest
Helicoverpa zea corn cream
Helicoverpa armigera cotton boll cream
Helicoverpa viriplaca chickpea cocoon
Tomato cream Helicoverpa obsoleta
European corn stem borer Ostrinia nubilalis
Earia insulana cotton prickly cream
Beetroot Spodoptera exigua
Chilo suppressalis rice stem borer
Potato moth Phthorimea operculella
Agrotis ipsilon crown cream
Agrotis segetum
Corn stalk Sesamia cretica
Corn sesame Sesamia nanagrioides
Melon fly Miopardalis pardalina
Melon ladybug Epilachna chrysomelina
Red cotton worm Pectinophora gossypiella
Cotton secondary red worm Pectinophora malvella
Bean flies Hylmia cilicrura
Dacus ciliatus
Melon fly Dacus cucurbitae
Domain of attraction of lorries
According to research, the area covered by a pheromone trap with 1 mg of pheromone is about 152,000 square meters or about 15 hectares (Mehrazin, 2009).