Application of Peta wire fertilizers in pistachio orchards

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Application of Peta wire fertilizers in pistachio orchards

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Potassium as one of the most consumed pistachio shell elements plays an important role in increasing performance
It has pistachio trees. Potassium should be consumed especially in the rainy years. Check
Have shown that pistachio trees have the highest elemental amount after nitrogen
Which is harvested annually from the soil is potassium. And the maximum amount of absorption
Potassium mainly occurs during the filling phase of the brain
In the following years, the absorbed potassium is consumed directly in the filling of the brain
They reach, but in the unfavorable years, the potassium absorbed from the roots is stored in other organs
Becomes. That is why the potassium concentration of the leaves in the year is lower than in the year
It is rewarding. Studies have shown that potassium uptake in fertile years over a full period
Brain growth is more than double the amount of potassium absorbed in infertile years. Fertilization
Suitable potassium for pistachio trees is the key to yield and increase yield in pistachio orchards
Is. Studies have shown that the highest amount of leaf potassium in August and September
It is observed every year at the same time as the seeds go to the brain or fill in the leaves.
Therefore, in this critical time period, the tree should not be deficient in potassium
Be. It is found that in pistachio trees the amount of potassium uptake from the soil is low
The most familiar with the practice of cutting and holding pistachios is its surface.
Potassium concentration in pistachio leaves in spring is below one percent. This concentration in
During the growth and development of the fruit is amazing, especially in July
September increases. Finally at the time of puberty and the end of the formation of skin and brain and
Completion of the growth period means approximately in September, the maximum absorption of potassium from the roots
We will have pistachios. Potassium concentration in leaves in October, ie the period after
Harvesting is suddenly reduced, so there is no need to apply potash fertilizer
Is not. Fertilization with potassium fertilizers increases the resistance of pistachio trees
To various stresses including salinity, drought and frost stress as well
Increase resistance to various pests and diseases. If potassium
Sufficient to provide the roots of trees with the number of spikes and seeds as well
The percentage of laughter and dry weight of seeds in pistachios will increase significantly.
Potassium deficiency is observed in most pistachio orchards and its main symptom
Burns the margins of the leaves. Another consequence of potassium deficiency is hypersensitivity
Sunburn and reduced degree of laughter of ripe fruits. Some shortcomings
Potassium is confused with salinity stress.
The difference between the two is that in salinity stress, necrosis of the leaf margins is present
does not have. Potassium can be obtained through sources of potassium fertilizers such as potassium sulfate
Chalkud face, solo potash for use in irrigation water and foliar spraying and
Potassium nitrate should be used as a foliar spray and irrigation water. Usually in
Pistachio orchards, about 80 to 100 due to the high need of trees in the closing stage
A kilogram of solo potash is consumed in 2 installments in irrigation water, at the same time
Now it is better in saline conditions of potassium nitrate fertilizer in 2 to 3 steps
Foliar application should be used in the closing stage of the brain with a concentration of 3 to 4 per thousand. Of course
The use of soloptas fertilizers and potassium nitrate depends on the storage of plant potash and
The use of potassium sulfate fertilizer in the form of chalk fertilizer. In textured soils
Heavy higher amounts of potash fertilizers due to higher uptake of potash in the layers
Soil is used.

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